I thought I would open up a topic about the G.I.JOE HQ. I'm referring of course to
The Pit. Lets say you've been given the task of architect or lead designer, the top brass have already informed you of the teams capabilities and their mission.
What do you do? Would you construct something like Hama did in the comics, underground base hidden under a church/chapel school?
Would you do somehting more like the Tactical Battle Platform?
The HQ from 83? the Mobile Command Center? The General? Or the Pit from the recent Roc release is maybe your fancy?
So many possibilities. Admittedly there are one or two different advantages and disadvantages to construction, the others seem to me to be mobile strike bases for on the move action, where as the Pit from the comic and the Command Center from the cartoon or HQ 83 are more stationary.
I'd like to also ask what rooms would you have, it might help to view that link of the comic pit base layout to give you an idea.
I thought this would make an interesting discussion, considering the release of the new Roc Pit playset and of course everyone probably will have different likenesses. If you have pictures & links to explain your designs please do attach them in your posts.