keyboard commando
Posts: 2,030
Join Date: Jan 2009
Weekend Warriors: May, Plus a Bone I've had to Pick with Joedios
Hey guys, to anyone who cares at this point (if anyone does), I'll be quitting WW here after this month unless a significant increase in participation happens. I know I sneaked in a few joke weekends last month, but no one's been paying attention for awhile (hence why I pulled the prank in the first place).
I'll be honest, doing this isn't a lot on my part at all. But I won't even bother with that much seeing as how no one participates besides the occasional shot from one of my good buddies at Flickr. And I don't feel bad ending it either since we're doing Weekend Warriors there now and we have a blast too.
I could rant some, but to get to the point, this place is changing for the worse. Members here don't want to participate unless they can gain some sort of "lookit me!" status for posting... crap shots. Things like Weekend Warriors, Target Range, other little things we all used to have fun doing together just don't happen here any more. Heck, forget these events, it's rare you even see a shot with 10+ replies here anymore. When I joined, just about anything that wasn't 25th figures on a couch with flash turned on got that much.
Well anyways you bunch of apathetic goons, here's the theme's for May.
April 29th - May 1st: Crossovers
Because the photos section just doesn't have enough Marvel, Halo and DC pics as it is!
May 6th - 8th: Traitors
Post up the shots of the dirty backstabbing jerks in you Joe-verse. Or your Marvel, DC or Halo since apparently most everyone prefers all that.
May 13th - 15th: Casualties
With every fight there are losses, great or small.
May 20th - 22nd: Troop Builders
It's been popular every time we've done it, and I did want to fit this one in again.
May 27th - 29th: Final Missions
Sometimes you just don't know if you can make it out of certain situations, and sometimes those situations could be a final mission. But it could also be the battle that decides who wins in a long conflict.