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NO deception intended
Old 06-04-2014, 10:08 AM #1
Ectimus Lithe
Posts: 680
Ectimus Lithe is on a distinguished road -->
Join Date: Mar 2014
Wink NO deception intended

Hey gang - since this is technically more of a RE-introduction/explanation, I thought I'd just post it here as it's own thing rather than in the 'Introductions...a bit overdue' thread...

Well, as some people have figured out, I am the "same" guy who joined up here in July of 2011 under the handle "80s Child". LONG story short, I left for a while and then came back older and hopefully wiser - the name change wasn't meant to be sneaky, but rather considerate.

1.) When I first came here I didn't realize I was among so many like minded AND like-aged people. I thought I was the only 'geek' (and I mean that as a term of endearment) who was in his 30s. I just assumed (never assume....) that I was posting with a bunch of 20-somethings, or tech-teens who just happened to also like G.I. Joe, hence distinguishing myself as "the old guy who grew up in the 80s". Then, after being here a while, I realized that this place was MOSTLY comprised of fellow 'Gen-X-ers' (& even older), and subsequently I felt kinda foolish for BOGARTING the title of "80s Child" ....

2.) It came to my attention that a few people in the community for one reason or another thought the handle was kind of lame or offensive even. Again....

So, upon returning I decided to take a page out of Orion Pax's book and take the EC from Eighties Child to get the Ec-timus part, and then since I'm not presumptuous enough to think I'm a "Prime" anything, I went with Lithe - which means flexible, pliable, go-with-the-flow, etc. Because the tree I want to be, sways and bends with the "winds" of life, but doesn't break.

Anyhow.......having said all that, I guess the long & short of it is:

If you liked what I contributed to the group, picture-posting & comment-posting-wise as "80s Child", then I guess you won't mind if I keep trying my best to be a good teammate/member. Or....if after reading this, you're thinking to yourself "crap - THAT guy again... :< ", then I guess you'll at least know who to 'add to your ignore list'....

And one other thing - if you happen to be reading this as a "guest", please consider just jumping-in! "The water's fine"
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