So let's just say that you somehow had your memory wiped of ALL G.I. Joe character knowledge, i.e. File Cards, Comic Books, Cartoons, & Movies - heck, you wouldn't even remember what the card & box art looked like.
Then lets say some stranger dumps out a box of loose, bagged action figures - all the ARAH ones ever made onto a table in front of you (yeah, it would need to be a BIG table
You have no idea who's a good guy, who's a bad guy, who was barely fleshed-out, who was arguably over-exposed. ALL you see are the figures themselves with no "baggage" or "sentimental favoritism". Similar to a young child discovering an object for the first time without any prior knowledge of it's purpose or backstory. Just a complete clean slate. He says you can take 5.
based purely on their appearance - head sculpt, body mold, uniform colors, accessories, weapons, any applicable "pets", who do you take?
I'm curious.
Would Lobotomaxx crack the top 5? Would Snake Eyes be a shoe-in even if you knew nothing of his epic story? Would Cobra Commander sneak in without hearing Chris Latta's voice in your head when you looked at his figure?
Happy voting!