I got a lot of praise for this Shot of my character Riddick in a sewer tunnel from my upcoming dio;
The inspiration started when I read ViolentFX's how to on his sewer scene from his dio "My Brother's Keeper"
Shown here;
I followed a lot of the steps he did , but added some of my own;
First, I got a 8' tube from a construction site. It was used for rolling carpet for transport, but when they got done, they threw the stuff in the trash, and I'm not too proud to dumpster dive for a great set!
I wish I had "before" Pics! But here's what it looks like from outside;
I sliced a 2" cut down the side using my new Table saw and then pulled off the strip. I used the cut down the side to spraypaint the inside of the tunnel. I used primer grey (vs ViolentFX's GunMetal gray) because my lights are weaker than the ones violentFX used and I needed the lighter color to make the tunnel brighter!
To show you something similar, here is a smaller tube (From Christmas wrap) and I used the same principal;