O Bope vai te pegar
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Join Date: Jun 2006
I'm a Physics teacher in High School. What I can't say that US schools and brazilian schools aren't so diferent judging by what you are saying. Here the great problem is that the law is always on the students side. We, teachers, need to talk with students with open doors to don't get acussed of sexual siege or something like that. They don't need to show that they are ready for next grade, they have their rights granted to go to the next grade. What means that our words as adults and responsible teachers doesn't matter.
What I'm trying to say is kids have to many rights and no duties. They can think just about themselfs. We never had such a brutalitty, like wha Cho's did, going on here in Brazil. But we have violence of diferent types. It's sad to look things going this way.
I can understand Frank when he asks about the parents, we talked about childrens education in MSN sometime ago. But sometimes parents are tied by law to educate. I mean some laws doesn't support parents when they need to givet their childs some good lesson, I don't know if you got what I'm saying.