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Posts: 2,411
Join Date: May 2006
Oh what fun! Multi-packs!
Let's see... Night Force Commandos sounds like fun!
Budo (Resolute Samurai Storm Shadow with a new head and "89" Snake-Eyes' backpack and sword)
Low-Light (Resolute Duke with a new head, Sgt. Airborne arms, Resolute Cobra Trooper vest and whatever sniping gear may be on hand)
Quick Kick (DVD Pack Quick Kick head and arms, "89" Snake-Eyes torso, "original" Snake-Eyes legs, Quick Kick's original gear and a knife for the leg sheath)
Jinx (Scarlett with a new head, Resolute Storm Shadow's twin guandao, "Devil's Due" Storm Shadow's backpack and gear)
Spearhead (Breaker head, "89 Snake-Eyes torso, "original" Snake-Eyes arms, , Tele-Viper legs, new Max, Rock'n'Roll ammo bandolier, random helmet, new GIJoe Set Snake-Eyes backpack, Viper rifle)
Wreckage (Resolute Shockblast head, Mutt torso, Sgt. Airborne legs, Cobra trooper arms, Comic Pack Firefly demolitions gear)
Cobra De Aço (Croc Master head, Resolute Destro body, chestpad and backpack, and some cool looking laser gun)
RIP Minouche, 1994-2009.