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Old 05-05-2014, 12:07 PM #21
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Originally Posted by battlewagon
I would love to see the molded bio armor in action! That’s such a sweet concept! I remember the first time I found out about play doh was when my brother brought home the play doh factory. It was really cool.

Hmmm, gung ho looks so different without his exposed chest. He almost looks like dr. mindbender. The helmet looks very cool for a 90s helmet. Sorry you are missing most of the accessories. Sorry if ya don’t mind me asking but I’m having a hard time finding the #1 on gung ho’s armor. Thanks.

Blast off looks pretty badass even with those 90s bright neon colors. You know when you’re a kid, you don’t mind those neon psychedelic colors but as an adult, I can’t help feeling dizzy from all the brightness lol! Blast off sure is packing a lot of heat! Helmet even though orange looks cool. I always liked those missile launchers. Again, I’d love to see the play doh armor and missiles in action!

I’m not digging the color scheme on clutch. It just looks dry and boring. And the green doesn’t make sense with the orange and yellow and black. Yikes, it looks like a color disaster. The weapons are cool. How come blast off only came with one missile and clutch came with two? That’s cool that the joe figures had machetes back then.

Mirage was a cool o-ring figure. I had it in another paint job. The visor was my favorite part. The armor especially on the legs and feet was very awesome. Nice that he came with a lot of big guns. And that baby blue paint looks great. For the third time, I really hope you update this mega marines review with pictures of the play doh armor and missiles.

The cyber vipers look badass even with all that splash of colors that look straight out of a salad! Cyber vipers look futuristic and somewhat post apocalyptic. It would be terrific to see them in more realistic colors. The mask/visor looks cool, I really love the single shoulder pad sticking out, and the gray gun looks interesting. I also like how his legs are different colors and styles. I like how he has one machine hand and one human hand. Tons of weapons. That’s what I loved about the 90s figures. And of course the missile launchers. “missile really shoots!”

Mega vipers, you know the color scheme doesn’t really bother me. Heck, for me the cyber viper colors and clutch colors are worse but that’s just my opinion. I really like the oval circular shape of the mega viper visor. For me, the colors kind of work. I like the way the green-yellow and pink is distributed throughout the body.

Bio-Viper looks massive and bloody awesome. The tentacles action feature sounds freaking cool. The monster smell, not so much. Really like the scales detail on the skin and the color scheme. The sculpting on the head make the eyes look fierce and angry. Bio viper would make an excellent army builder!

Where’s the GUT BOMB from the monstro viper??? I really want to see that excrement bomb! Sounds hilarious. Reminds me of the giant mutated hamster from the movie, The Nutty Professor. That giant hamster shoots its poop like missiles! The monstro viper does look terrifying. I like that it has tufts of fur spread and dispersed throughout its body. The face and eyes look scary. The mace club is awesome. Another excellent army builder. Say hello to the sasquatch monster!

I had the monster blaster. I remember my mother getting it for me at toysrus. I was always more into vehicles than figures. Too bad I had no figures to use with my monster blaster. It was a great vehicle though. Lots of space and tons of weapons. That canopy for the driver was awesome and sleek looking. The foot pegs on the sides and back were cool. The missile launcher mechanism was a lot of fun though you have to wonder just how the figures reloaded the missile launcher lol!

The #1 is on the black dot on Gung Ho's armor. I actually found all his gear recently.

Blast off and Mirage are missing there missiles and knives.

I'll see what I can do about finding some play do to make there bio armor and gut bombs.

I would love to have troop built these back in the 90s truth is they were hard to find and expensive for a kid with a lawn mowing job on the weekends. It is a lot easier today to find these figures than back then. Usually if I saw them hanging on the shelf I would grab them up. I remember seeing the mega monsters in stores once then they were gone.

Last edited by dinoviper : 05-05-2014 at 12:18 PM.
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Old 05-05-2014, 12:09 PM #22
dinoviper's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Slipstream80
These are great figures! I have all except Cyber Viper. I gave Blast Off the flamethrower from Marauder.

Oh man Marauder makes some good stuff! Can't wait to see those figures he did in hand.
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