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Old 03-02-2007, 02:55 PM #31
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Yep - those non-breakning thumbs are something, that should've been done a long time ago. I think (no matter the technology) - it also could have been used on the waistpieces - crotch especially.
But thumbs are good. At least I can give my new-wave Viper ANY kind of weapon (from pistol to gatling) without risk of breaking his thumbs or risk of enlarging his hand in the way he won't be able to hold anything aprt from the large rifles with stocks...
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Old 03-02-2007, 04:28 PM #32
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I admit when I first read the Jump the Shark thing I didn't get it, thankfully I do the second time around. Anyway for me the joes are not on a downslide but rather they've gone up and down all the time. So far what everyone's mentioned has caused me to think of the downs but there's been several ups too. Americas Elite was a down, but it went up when Cobra Commander and the Phoenix Guard showed up, though this General Rey stuff is silly. Gijoe Reloaded was a down, until the Hawaii invasion then I started to like it and then it ended and that was a down.

All those crazy new units made during Battle Corps time was a down, but the new molds and some of the characters are an up as well as those bendy thumbs which I love so much and thats a huge up! I've tried to make my own thumbs with limited success but they look like oversized... well thumbs. Then there's the DTC thing which is a down, but at least their cool figures so its not much of a down. And then this 25th Anniversary thing is looking like a down, but it still has a chance to go back up.

I try not to think of the start and finish of things but try to think of things as always changing and moving. I thought GI JOE was finished in the late 90s and I would never see another new figure, but that all changed a few years later so who knows it could happen again. GI JOE could have some new resurgence and be totally awesome and all that sort of thing.
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Old 03-03-2007, 12:50 AM #33
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The one overwhelming reason I like this forum site over any other Joe forum I've looked at is that whether or not we agree on a point, we always discuss it enough to get both sides of that point.

I had forgotten (Blissfully?) about the trendy attitude that seemed to permeate the line (eg. TNMT = Ninja Force/increased ninja stories, Captain Planet = Eco Force, etc.). That is a valid point. My memories of the stories may be tainted by time and re-exposure to the classic (old) Sgt. Rock stories that tended to be based more in a single view of war and less on supporting a toyline.

I still hold that we (the collector) have been hosed by Hasbro on several occasions. But arguably, those occasions have always been directly linked to falling sales and shifts in public interest. Hasbro does have share holders who expect profits.

As to the Marvel staff of the 80's...they did create a storyline captivating enough for those of us who read it to still be discussing it oh so many years later.

Once again Sonnelion, you point out things I either overlooked or didn't remember concerning the behind the scenes.

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Old 03-03-2007, 09:08 AM #34
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I figure you can hack on the comic only so far. I imagine the old Marvel series would have been way different if Hama didn't have his hands tied. It wasn't necessarily, "You must use this storyline in this way and on page 20, this happens..." It was, from my understanding, "The Devilfish, Beach Head, Wetsuit and the Terrordrome need to be showcased, use them." And then BAM! Storm Shadow is shot down by the Baroness! (you guys remember that story arc, right?)

Now, if you REALLY want to go after a group, go after Devils Due. Hasbro isn't leaning on DD to do 'their' stories. Blaylock understands that they are kids in the same toybox, it's just that Hasbro is the bigger kid. So it's a 'nice' gesture on their part to incorporate the toys now and then. Barrel Roll, Blackout, Depth Charge, characters like that could have been omitted if wanted.

At the same time, ahem, Hasbro saw something that Blaylock did and really liked it. The character is Kamakura.

Anyway, do we want to discuss when the DD series JUMPED SHARK? lol
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Old 03-03-2007, 10:51 AM #35
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Originally Posted by Sonneilon
At the same time, ahem, Hasbro saw something that Blaylock did and really liked it. The character is Kamakura.

Hasbro like an overused concept like a new ninja that they can give motorcycles ( a ninja on a motorcycle? Next thing you know, they make a Night Creeper a Hiss driver ...then how's he supposed to sneak up on people?) I think Hasbro liked Kamakura because he brings a "Power Ranger-esque" feel to GI Joe. I like him from the DD stand point. Like when he shot Overkill in the back of the head to save General Hawk. No smoke bombs, no intricate ninja super powers, just a 9mm to the back of the old brain housing group! I liked that. If Hasbro's concept of GI Joe could stay grounded and only dabble in futuristic weapons, they would be sooo much better off!

Originally Posted by Sonneilon
Anyway, do we want to discuss when the DD series JUMPED SHARK? lol

Yeah, can you say RELOADED? WTF? The original series was good bringing back GI Joe, but the Reloaded is like watching the old BattleStar Galactica and then seeing the new one (The only difference is, I actually liked the new BSG better than the old until Season 3).
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Old 03-04-2007, 06:57 AM #36
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I didn't mind reloaded because it was a different continuity and it had no effect on the main comic.
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Old 03-04-2007, 01:43 PM #37
Lava Boss
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Tired of that phrase "jump the shark".


Toys: 1991 (when vehicles went into the neon toilet and spring launchers and other gimmicks appeared in force, plus the line all but rebooted, Cobra Commander was back, the next year Destro was back with Cobra...weak)

Comics: The Snake-Eyes Trilogy and the Return of Cobra Commander. One linked Baroness to Snake-Eyes, and effectively ruined her character to this day. Cobra Commander should've stayed "dead" (just like the Green Goblin, the Red Skull and countless other popular baddies that were too "great" to leave in the grave.)
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