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Realistic Mountains made easy! (and cheap!!!)
Old 11-02-2011, 10:57 AM #1
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Default Realistic Mountains made easy! (and cheap!!!)

I have made my entire train layout and various mountain dioramas following this method. You can also make undulating landscapes, cliffs, whatever. Super easy. Actually, it is hard-- to do it incorrectly. Seriously. What you need...

1. Sculptamold

A 3 lb bag goes a very long way. I wouldn't recommend anything bigger because you probably won't be plastering an entire room with it.

2. A bottle of acrylic flat earthtones (browns, greens). You can decide what color for your scene. 1 bottle goes a long way as well.

3. Empty spray bottle. (Windex like bottle with sprayer) water

4. Options a plenty: traditionally you would use newspaper rolled into balls and rolled screen from a hardware store. Make tons of news balls and lay the screen over it in undulating patterns. Staple. Then mix a small part water and sculptamold and lay it on either with a puddy knife or your hand. Let dry. Experiment with water mix, it always comes out real and interesting.

Option super easy. Take styrofoam from any package-especially the larger pieces with nooks and valleys. Break up the corners and edges for a more rough real look. mix your sculptamold and water and lay it on.

5. When dry mix the paint and a very very small amount of water in the spray bottle. Just spray it on the mountain. fill in crannies with a brush. let dry

6. Optional. Add scenic grass or bushes or ballast if you want. It will look good either way.

Check my train site for more details and visuals:

Last edited by acmillerjr : 11-04-2011 at 07:16 AM.
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:28 AM #2
Monte Williams
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Awesome, man, thanks for this!
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:11 PM #3
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Hey I took a look at your site, have you tried or really anyone tried using this stuff with joes yet? I'm interested in building hills for my wargame and this looks a lot easier than trying paper mache.
I have a new site for my table top tactical strategy role playing game for action figures and miniatures. There's also diostories there too! Check it out at:
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Old 02-17-2013, 09:58 AM #4
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I recently finished making some hills and mountains using a different type of plaster than the scupltamold stuff that you suggested. I wonder if the stuff you used is lighter than the stuff I used. The stuff I made was not quite diorama quality as I built them for my wargame table, but anyway here's a picture of some of my work on this site:

I also put up a how-to section of how I made the various scenery pieces on my site
I have a new site for my table top tactical strategy role playing game for action figures and miniatures. There's also diostories there too! Check it out at:
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