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Joe Battle Lines provides daily news and updates around the GI Joe online community.
0 19,368 GI Joe News
Marauder Gun Runners is in awesome place to get dio items like tables, lockers, folding chairs, etc. and a huge variety of 1:18 scaled weapons and accessories! I have only ordered once from them so far but service was top notch and they pay all their attention to detail and customer satisfaction!
0 17,242 Dio Supplies is the ULTIMATE GI Joe refernce site, with an exhaustive database containing every GI Joe figure, vehicle and accessory produced (and even some that were never produced). All known variants are listed, and each figure is listed with its filecard.
0 14,641 GI Joe Reference
Your best shopping source on the Internet for GI JOE, Action Figures, Military Scale Models, and more!
0 13,968 Online Stores
Tons of free textures
0 12,931 Dio Supplies
MIGHTY MARVEL DIORAMAS By Luke Ellison - Luke, a long time GI Joe Dio Author, got a REAL LIFE job doing Dio photos for Marvel! Go check out his work! He gets PAID to do this now! A real success story.
0 12,878 Diorama Authors
Has a Free Console Station textures
0 12,669 Dio Supplies
Comic Book index of the Marvel Comics run of GIJOE. Issues 1 to 155.
08-23-2009 10:24 PM
1 12,465 GI Joe Reference
The General (Justin to his friends), is one of the most prolific and skilled Dio-authors on the web today. He has 8 massive dio-stories, plus an extensive review section, with detailed photos of each reviewed vehicle and figure, often with comparison photos for resculpted or repainted figures. Check it out.
09-10-2005 12:53 PM
3 11,572 Diorama Authors
It's us!
02-16-2005 11:47 AM
1 11,465 GI Joe News
This is the site where I d/l most of my scene supplies like doors, grates, etc. Check it out it's all in categories set up for convenience
0 11,280 Dio Supplies
Found online line while searching for free sci fi textures
0 10,975 Dio Supplies offers many awesome props and set pieces for the 1:16 and 1:32 scale dio-author. I especially like their perimeter fence, a realistic chainlink fence with coils of "razor tape" across the top.
0 10,760 Dio Supplies
Trooper is an amazing dio artist as well as an incredibly skilled set builder. Please visit to check out his riveting "Danger Desert" dio, and his "behind the scenes" explanation of how he built his famous Cobra Dock set. He also features how-to's on Photosp tricks to make vehicles appear as if they're really flying. An all-around great dio author.
0 10,749 Diorama Authors
Tim Elf is a top-notch dio-author with 3 massive dio-stories on his site (each between 20 and 40+ chapters long!). Known for his impressive special effects work and story-telling, Tim's work is an inspiration to many a fledgling Dio-Author. Be sure to check out Terror, his current dio in progress.
03-10-2005 08:31 AM
1 10,664 Diorama Authors
A diostory created by Destro607. This is "one" of the first of many diostories within the Joe community that inspired others to surpass it. Filled with intrigue, suspense, and non-stopped action, you can do no wrong by viewing this story. Won't you stop by and visit?
03-10-2005 08:22 AM
2 10,490 Diorama Authors
"" Where shipping is always free in the USA and Canada.
0 10,310 Online Stores
A blog showcasing the current Joe toyline in a humorous light. Scaled in Diorama format. "WARNING!": contains Mature subject matter, hence ages 25 & up.
0 10,146 Diorama Authors
An online store specializing on Custom Casted parts, accessories, and gear for the 3 3/4 GIJoe toyline. A large selection of cast figure heads and figure parts.
0 9,809 Online Stores
some pretty cool dios ranging from the serious to very funny. although he had some trouble in the beginning, his dios have had a steady increase in improvement.
0 9,552 Diorama Authors

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