03-05-2009, 04:09 PM
So since the move, I have yet to really make any progress on my Joe Room. One problem is I do not have access to a pick up truck and the prior owners left behind a few things that needed to be hauled off. I need to haul off 2 washing machines and an old entertainment center, which are taking up a large amount of available floor space. Another thing that has hindered the process is that my girlfriend's sister and 3 year old soon moved into the spare rooms in the basement, and everyday I find him digging into my crates of Joe stuff. I have hence installed a baby gate, and asked her nicely to keep out of my things, but it hasn't stopped the kid.
I have several ideas that I want to implement, there is an old hearth from a fireplace that used to be in the basement that was removed, Misty suggested I place my Terror Drome there and maybe spread some sand around it, making it seem as if it were on a cliff or bluff somewhere that can only be attacked by air (or Alpine). I am supposed to be acquiring a USS Flagg this weekend my cousing has had in storage, and I want to have a large table for it. My air forces I want to suspend from the ceiling and have a few housed on the Flagg, but I have a large number of land vehicles and the original Joe HQ that I want to display as well. I have thought of purchasing a couple more tables and some railroad model grass and the like and creating a table for the HQ and some of the smaller vehicles. Not sure how I am going to display all my vehicles though, I have some large ones such as the Rolling Thunder, the Mobile Command Center, the ROCC, Rhino, Mean Dog, and the Thunderclap. I thought about shelves, but I want something different. Figures can always be placed on shelves, but a lot of shelves will not accommodate the vehicles I do have. Any suggestions?
I have several ideas that I want to implement, there is an old hearth from a fireplace that used to be in the basement that was removed, Misty suggested I place my Terror Drome there and maybe spread some sand around it, making it seem as if it were on a cliff or bluff somewhere that can only be attacked by air (or Alpine). I am supposed to be acquiring a USS Flagg this weekend my cousing has had in storage, and I want to have a large table for it. My air forces I want to suspend from the ceiling and have a few housed on the Flagg, but I have a large number of land vehicles and the original Joe HQ that I want to display as well. I have thought of purchasing a couple more tables and some railroad model grass and the like and creating a table for the HQ and some of the smaller vehicles. Not sure how I am going to display all my vehicles though, I have some large ones such as the Rolling Thunder, the Mobile Command Center, the ROCC, Rhino, Mean Dog, and the Thunderclap. I thought about shelves, but I want something different. Figures can always be placed on shelves, but a lot of shelves will not accommodate the vehicles I do have. Any suggestions?