Hammerfel. Boss. Owner of site. He's a busy guy. I won't say anything more.
Sonneilon. Administrator. I'm 34, in the civil engineering program at a tech school. I'm around, but not much. I comment a lot at once, then I'll disappear and just mod.
Lehsreh. Buff Daddy. He's around but... uh...
Lord Raven. ShaneOMac. He's around about as much as Lehsreh but he's taken the chores of Weekend Warriors.
Urban Sabateur. Bouncer. He's the guy who will notify of me crap going on and he has enough stroke to tell ppl to stop flooding or whatever.
Those 3 are unlegit legit mods in my eyes. Please respect the 5 of us. Thanks.
Oh, I tend to unwind by playing FFXI Online (it's harder than WoW.
) so I'm not here all the time anymore.