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05-03-2009, 01:44 AM
Got my first of many hall of heros in the mail today. Firefly. Now waiting for Stormshadow and my 10 BATS.

05-05-2009, 08:08 AM
Well, I'm back from course, two months I won't get back again, but I picked up some goodies, the Wild Bill/Scrap Iron Comic pack, both GI Joe and Cobra 5 Packs, and when I got home I had a Cross Hair for the Outrider dio I'm working on, a near complete Canadian Thunder Clap (No figure, antenna broken), a canopy for my Tomahawk, a gun cap for my Cobra CLAW, missiles for my Skyhawk, and a helmet and backpack for my Footloose. :D

Additionally, on a trip to Halifax, I found the IJ Akator Temple playset at Winners for $15, too bad the vehicles wouldn't drop that low.

05-11-2009, 10:23 PM
New additions:

New patrol boat, True Heros (i think)
Cobra Resolute Trooper x 4
Resolute 5 pack
Super Humvee (BSI type)
Microman Acrograb (might have mentioned in a previous post)
Cobra Commander (yet another one) with MASS Device element
Star Trek Uhura (needed another one)

05-11-2009, 11:57 PM
Got my 10 HOH BATS and SS and Firefly! Boosted my BAT army to 20! WOOT!!

05-12-2009, 09:13 AM
I finally found the "Ghost Hawk" at Target the other day! I was beginning to think the thing was a myth!! I never owned one when I was younger... is this a brand-new mold? It seems a lot sturdier than I would've expected from a re-released 1983 mold.

05-12-2009, 09:39 AM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]I finally found the "Ghost Hawk" at Target the other day! I was beginning to think the thing was a myth!! I never owned one when I was younger... is this a brand-new mold? It seems a lot sturdier than I would've expected from a re-released 1983 mold.[/QUOTE]
Honestly, all the 25th Anniversary vehicles seem to be brand-new molds copying the original designs. Hence, they're sturdier thanks to more modern means of construction.
I don't actually OWN any 25th Anniversary vehicles so I could be wrong on some cases.

05-12-2009, 11:53 AM
That could explain it! The only other 25th vehicle I own is the VAMP, and it's different in places from my original -- but I thought it was mostly re-tooling, as opposed to total re-sculpting. I should compare them more closely when I get home.

05-12-2009, 06:47 PM
I think it's a bit of both. Some seem to be just retooled, others seem to be new molds. The water moccasin has some new looks on hatches, more foot pegs, etc. The HISS foot pegs are smaller to fit the smaller diameter holes. However it's confusing too b/c for instance the HISS doesn't allow a HISS Driver to fit nicely with the holdster, nor does the water moccassin allow copperhead to fit nicely. The copperhead that came with the thing does fit snuggly, but i'm talking about the one that came with the comic pack, b/c in my mind that's the original copperhead color... those greens. The original water mocassin has copperhead in those green/limegreen colors, so to me the comic pack copperhead represents what copperhead really looks like. Not the python patrol colors.

05-12-2009, 09:03 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]...for instance the HISS doesn't allow a HISS Driver to fit nicely with the holdster...[/QUOTE]
That's weird, because my 25th HISS driver fits quite nicely in my 1983-vintage HISS tank! He's obviously a bit larger in there than an ARAH fig, but I have no problem fitting him in and closing the canopy.

05-12-2009, 10:05 PM
Hrm, maybe I am doing something wrong. I just took out my last of the vintage HISS from '83 and tried to put in a 25th HISS Driver. I didn't try to force him in there. The holster keeps getting in the way. If I do force him in, then I'll be forcing/jamming that holster through, warping the holster flap.

Anyway, I think this is my very first HISS.. still has mud caked to it, and loads of bottle rocket burn marks. Oh the memories of terrorizing the Joes on Saturday mornings :-)

05-13-2009, 09:02 AM
Hmm... I don't think I crammed the holster in. I'll look at it when I get home from work today, and let you know!

Black Knight
05-13-2009, 09:16 PM
Ok, so I am sitting at the Disney World "Carribean Beach Resort" right now enjoying my much needed vacation. I am quite pleased to finally be able to check my mail and the site.

I also would like to say that I have purchased my very first Sigma 6 figure. I picked up Snake Eyes at a local collector store (not Vader's... his was closed that day) I am quite pleased with him... pics and such of my vaction to follow once I return home on the 19th.

Tomarrow I am heading over to downtown Disney to hit up a few shops and then back to the East Coast (Rockledge/Melbourne Area) and stop by Vader's store.

See you all then.

-John (Black Knight).

Urban Saboteur
05-13-2009, 11:51 PM
John dude.. it sounds like your having a blast! :D

I just won an auction on ebay for a GIJOE figures & vehicles small lot, in the picture I can see:
Frostbite, Crimson Guard, Stalker, Short Fuze, Shipwreck, Clutch, Hawk, Quick Kick, Firefly, Destro, Roadblock, Alpine, Footloose, Buzzer, Wild Bill, Major Bludd, Gung-Ho, Cobra Soldier, Beach Head, Cobra Commander, Eels, Stinger Driver, Tele Vipers, Snow Serpent and weapons with an incomplete Night Attack Stinger.

The auction was competitive, and with 24 or so v1 figures i almost didnt win. the equivalent came to about £2 per figure which isn't so bad. Probably would of gone higher had all of them been complete.
Here is the link.
GIJOE lot (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=110385367097)

I cant wait to get this lot in and inspect them. :)

05-14-2009, 12:39 AM
Holy macaroni.

Nice win there!

Urban Saboteur
05-14-2009, 01:01 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]Holy macaroni.

Nice win there![/QUOTE]

thanks Jay!
i promise to post pictures when I receive the parcel :)

05-15-2009, 01:11 AM
Well, today I received two nice packages.

One had a Mortal Kombat Liu Kang, an Urban 6-pack Firefly, a 1997 Snow Job (no gear for any of em) and a Devil's Due-style Comic Pack Storm Shadow (whose body will be used for a custom... while his weaponry went on my Greatest Battles Stormy).

The other package had two 2001 Laser-Vipers, two Comic Pack Red Ninjas, two Tele-Vipers (one with a busted crotch, sadly), a Crimson Guard Commander and a Storm Shadow Unmasked. Aside from Storm Shadow, and the Red Ninjas having their kama, none of them had any weapons.

Still, a nice haul for a day... I just wish this wasn't the second time I ordered a few Tele-Vipers only to find out one of them had a busted crotch...

05-15-2009, 03:50 AM
hahah holy crap dude I was gona bid on that one too lol
all I wanted was the stinger tbh
haha good haul
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]thanks Jay!
i promise to post pictures when I receive the parcel :)[/QUOTE]

General Jones
05-15-2009, 07:48 AM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur] Shipwreck, Clutch, Hawk, Quick Kick, [/QUOTE]

I think that is Breaker, not Clutch. Great score.

Black Knight
05-17-2009, 06:57 AM
So, two more days til my vacation ends. :(

On a positive note I made it to the "Hobby House" (Vader's Store) and scored a Sigma 6 CC with Silver cape, a "Action Heroes" Snake-Eyes, and a few other things.

The store is coming along well and if I had the extra cash with me I would have probably ended up paying his bills for the next year with all the things I would have bought. His prices are really good and his selection is great too. Thanks again Dave, it was good to meet you.

-John (Black Knight)

05-17-2009, 11:10 AM
I haven't bought anything Joewise for awhile. I seem to be stuck buying Star Trek toys instead. Trying to get a full small scale MOC set and loose set. Need to find (another) Checkov (loose) and then an Uhuru (MOC). THen 2 Original Spocks, 2 Pikes and 2 Neros.


05-17-2009, 02:25 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I haven't bought anything Joewise for awhile. I seem to be stuck buying Star Trek toys instead. Trying to get a full small scale MOC set and loose set. Need to find (another) Checkov (loose) and then an Uhuru (MOC). THen 2 Original Spocks, 2 Pikes and 2 Neros.


2 Nerds?

05-17-2009, 07:18 PM
Just waiting for my orders to come in. In the meantime, I found some new Star Wars figures, bought another Princess Leia, and a Rebel Hoth soldier. The Hoth figure has potential for a small army build as use as some country's local attempt to resist Cobra in the Arctic.

Anyway, bought the last figure I need for a complete set of Star Trek: Scotty. I held up getting him since he's also included in the transporter set, which I intend to buy. I'll have have to buy some car parts so I'll have to wait on the transporter. Real Life issues, ya know, have a way to upset collecting.

Prince Adam
05-17-2009, 07:23 PM
I haven't bought any little Joes in a long time. :( I think the last Joe product I bought off a shelf was the CH Firefly/Bazooka set, still haven't seen the second series of those.

05-17-2009, 09:06 PM

2x Pike
1x Chekov

1x T-1

05-19-2009, 04:22 PM
Recently arrived:

Resolute Trooper (4)
Resolute figure box.. think 5 figures.. 2 red, CC, black BAT, Duke
Star Wars Imperial Storm Trooper (Hoth)
Star Wars Hoth Rebel Soldier
Marvel Universe Captain America!


Prince Adam
05-19-2009, 05:06 PM
Death, does that put you up to 22 blue Resolute troopers? :eek:

Black Knight
05-19-2009, 06:52 PM
Ok, so now that I'm back from Florida... here's my offical grabbings. (including things that arrived while I was gone)

Rise/Cobra Scarlett (grey camo)
Sigma 6 CC (silver cape)
Sigma 6 Snake-Eyes (removable visor)
Green Shirts vs. Firefly
Cobra Earthquake near complete (bought on Ebay for $4.99)
Captain America
Grey Hulk
Punisher (black gloves, belt, boots)

General Jones
05-19-2009, 06:56 PM
This isn't Joe related, but I finally got a complete G1 Predaking. I really underestimated the size. :eek:

05-19-2009, 07:21 PM
I got a 12" Rommel at Joetanta this weekend. Other then that I didn't buy anything but a Shirt.

05-19-2009, 10:18 PM
[QUOTE=Prince Adam]Death, does that put you up to 22 blue Resolute troopers? :eek:[/QUOTE]

No, this is just accounting for the new recruits this week, leading up to my current total of 18 resolute troopers.

Next week there will be another 4 arriving, however.


05-19-2009, 10:22 PM
[QUOTE=General Jones]This isn't Joe related, but I finally got a complete G1 Predaking. I really underestimated the size. :eek:[/QUOTE]

I am not familiar with this. If it's not a bother, could you post a pic and maybe include a joe for scale?


General Jones
05-20-2009, 08:38 AM
Sure, I'll try to post one tonight. :D

05-20-2009, 09:41 AM
[QUOTE=General Jones]Sure, I'll try to post one tonight. :D[/QUOTE]
Yeah, Predaking was huge! I never owned him myself, but I had a friend who did. He's far larger than any of the other G1 combiners.

05-20-2009, 10:07 AM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Ok, so now that I'm back from Florida... here's my offical grabbings. (including things that arrived while I was gone)

Rise/Cobra Scarlett (grey camo)
Sigma 6 CC (silver cape)
Sigma 6 Snake-Eyes (removable visor)
Green Shirts vs. Firefly
Cobra Earthquake near complete (bought on Ebay for $4.99)
Captain America
Grey Hulk
Punisher (black gloves, belt, boots)[/QUOTE]

Thanks for stopping by the store while you were here, super thanks for your purchase! Glad you made it back home safe, hope you had a good time. It was great to meet you and the wife and your daughter. Dave

Prince Adam
05-20-2009, 04:50 PM
Just picked up a couple 25th Joes on clearance and this lot from BigBad:


All for about $17 before shipping. I'm pretty happy. :)

05-20-2009, 05:16 PM
What is that lot? Looks like a mix of things from various sets. Looks good too.

Prince Adam
05-20-2009, 05:49 PM
It was just a junk lot I found on their site. The platform is from the '83 Joe hq, and a few parts are from the mortar and missle defenses sets. Looks like some accessory set weapons too.

05-21-2009, 07:31 AM
my Club Undertow Arrived At Work Today :d He Looks Great I Hope To Take Some Pics Today When I Get Home.

05-21-2009, 09:47 AM
I just went and picked myself up the entire Hall Of Heroes set.

Storm Shadow and both Snake-Eyes might end up on my trades list, if anyone's interested.

05-21-2009, 01:01 PM
[QUOTE=Flatline]my Club Undertow Arrived At Work Today :d He Looks Great I Hope To Take Some Pics Today When I Get Home.[/QUOTE]

Cool pick up Marcos, I'm still waiting on mine! :(

Urban Saboteur
05-21-2009, 03:29 PM
Well, I didn't just get it today, but they arrived yesterday :)
Some Joes
and Cobras

05-21-2009, 03:56 PM
Nice haul! Those 2000-2001 GIJoe figures had some of the best decos ever used.
And that Big Bear redeco was a lot nicer than the original too, although it most certainly is not Lt. Gorky.

Prince Adam
05-21-2009, 04:00 PM
Awesome lot there, best Law and Order ever!

05-21-2009, 04:34 PM
my most recent hauls will be

another Red laser
SaS panther in need of repairs
the space force satelite defense thing .
a few other Action force parts
a red shadows Hyena.
a Q force Swordfish
another night raven jet . that will make Two I have plus I'm getting two of the new movie version too .
the S.H.A.R.C Action force style .
a lot of chap mei and lanard figures that had a heliviper and night creeper in the mix £5 not bad .
also getting 2 movie neo-vipers
shockblast and night creeper 2 pack
monkeywrench and tunnel rat 2 pack
an Ice viper and 3 25th alley vipers

Prince Adam
05-21-2009, 05:42 PM
Just scored a pretty good looking Shipwreck on the bay. I've been needing a replacement.

Black Knight
05-23-2009, 10:54 AM
Picked up 8 more blue Resolutes, giving me a running total of 25 blues and 2 reds.

05-23-2009, 01:01 PM
My latest additions:

4 more blue Resolute Troopers.


05-23-2009, 02:04 PM
My haul for today: Indiana Jones german jeep and a single Cobra Para-Viper.

Really dig the jeep, and the few dio accessories it comes with (u-assemble cardboard box, three barrells and a roadblock).

05-23-2009, 05:13 PM
My latest pickups are:

Cesspool, Overlord and the dictator, The Pogo Ballistic Battle Ball, the sea ray, Golobulus and the Mobile command center driver, a Python Patrol Conquest and a Firebat. Overall Its been a good week considering I found a sale on comics and got a lot of old joe backissses for a dollar a piece.

05-24-2009, 03:37 PM
Went to the local toy show and came home with all of this:

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/16612544@N03/3561156898/" title="New haul by scarrviper, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3604/3561156898_35631db071_b.jpg" width="1024" height="305" alt="New haul" /></a>

05-24-2009, 03:41 PM
A very good score Scar.... very good...

05-24-2009, 04:07 PM
sweet scar when did they make a black crazy legs? is he a custom or a exclusive ?

[QUOTE=Scarrviper]Went to the local toy show and came home with all of this:

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/16612544@N03/3561156898/" title="New haul by scarrviper, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3604/3561156898_35631db071_b.jpg" width="1024" height="305" alt="New haul" /></a>[/QUOTE]

05-24-2009, 04:14 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]sweet scar when did they make a black crazy legs? is he a custom or a exclusive ?[/QUOTE]

That's nightforce Crazylegs from 1988


Prince Adam
05-24-2009, 04:35 PM
Awesome loot there, Scar!!!

05-24-2009, 11:33 PM
[QUOTE=Scarrviper]Went to the local toy show and came home with all of this:

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/16612544@N03/3561156898/" title="New haul by scarrviper, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3604/3561156898_35631db071_b.jpg" width="1024" height="305" alt="New haul" /></a>[/QUOTE]

Very nice pick up Kurt, I can't wait to see what customs you come up with from that lot!

05-25-2009, 04:03 PM
just got a red shadows Hyena . its missing the turret . anyone know of a good site that deals in joe parts i might be able to get a replacment ? cheers

05-26-2009, 05:52 AM
my latest haul anyone want to know anything about these guys let me know . one of the poor Alley vipers arms are broken .well not broken but his joint is molded to the elbow

Urban Saboteur
05-26-2009, 11:30 AM
Got my Special Mission Brazil Wet Suit in today
He's really cool and i prefer him in the silvery suit as opposed the v1 turquoise. :)

05-26-2009, 12:29 PM
I just got in a figure I needed to update two of my less inspired customs.

What figure was it, and which customs am I updating?

That, you'll have to wait and see. ;)

Prince Adam
05-26-2009, 02:02 PM
Got my new Shipwreck in today so I can retire the other one. Always loved this guy and aside from the belt buckle he's in awesome condition. Polly's a great addition too.


Urban Saboteur
05-26-2009, 03:03 PM
Ship Ahoy! great figure P.A

05-26-2009, 03:37 PM
Holy cow, nice Shippy there Adam!

The only one I have has no parrot and is all photodegraded... :(

05-28-2009, 11:01 PM
Greetings mortals!

Haven't bought anything in a while, so went out today and bought the following:

Bravo army soldier (x2)
Deadpool (finally found one)
Mrs Marvel

No Joe stuff yet. I just paid off my credit card, so it feels kinda nice not having that to pay per month. But now I'll be able to focus specifically on ordering Joe stuff.


05-28-2009, 11:11 PM
I got a complete Whirlwind and a complete Coastal Defender on an out of town trip the other day to Houston. That toy store there is fit to live in. Dont tell wifey because we are almost broke lol.

05-29-2009, 06:44 AM
Congrats on finding a whirlwind. I've been hunting for 2 of them.


05-29-2009, 10:10 AM
I also found Deadpool and Ms. Marvel the other day. Finally sprung for a T-1, it looks like I could justify picking up a couple more!

05-29-2009, 09:17 PM
Greetings mortals,

Well, today was crazy. Someone tried to buy things using my credit card number out in California. Fortunately I had taken measures months ago against such things.. but it's still cause a lot of trouble, new cards, etc. And so my Joe orders for this week and last week are on hold.

So, I had to go out and buy another Resolute 5 pack. So that's two more red resolute troopers, yet another resolute CC, another black BAT, another Duke.


05-30-2009, 07:10 AM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Greetings mortals,

Well, today was crazy. Someone tried to buy things using my credit card number out in California. Fortunately I had taken measures months ago against such things.. but it's still cause a lot of trouble, new cards, etc. And so my Joe orders for this week and last week are on hold.

So, I had to go out and buy another Resolute 5 pack. So that's two more red resolute troopers, yet another resolute CC, another black BAT, another Duke.


Please share with us what counter measures did you use.

05-30-2009, 08:21 AM
What really worked is that the card is not authorized to be used outside of my area. When I travel I tell the bank folks where I go so they will make adjustment.

Prince Adam
05-30-2009, 10:45 AM
Wow, that's really crazy Death! At least you ound up on top though. Sorry you had to cancel all your orders though. :(

Black Knight
05-30-2009, 11:43 AM
Ok, so over the past week I have added to my collection with a huge 1980's vehicle lot, an Earthquake, and some ARAH figures.

The Earthquake was bought on EBay for $4.99 + $10.00 for S&H, it's only missing the missiles.

The vehicle lot was two boxes for $80.00, as much as I didn't want to fork out the money, now I'm glad I did. This is from my local "toy collector".

Box 1:

GI Joe Headquarters (99% complete - missing flagpole & spotlight, I think)
VAMP (99% complete - missing gas cans)
AWE (100% complete)
APC (100% complete)
3 different mobile gun stations (all near complete)
[color=red]Sky-Striker (20% complete)[/color]
[color=red]Covergirl's Tank (near complete)[/color]
Triple-T (100% complete)
MOBAT (near complete)
[color=red]Sgt. Slaughter V1 (mint - minus weapons)[/color]
[color=red]Covergirl V1 (mint- minus weapons)[/color]
[color=red]Duke V1 (near mint - broken O-Ring)[/color]

[color=red]Cobra Ferret (near complete)[/color]
[color=red]Cobra ASP (missing canopy)[/color]
Cobra Rattler (missing "windows")
Cobra HISS V1 (missing stickers)

Box 2:

[color=red]Killer Whale (20% complete)[/color]
[color=red]Space Shuttle (small one - 15% complete)[/color]
[color=red]Phantom? (big futuristic jet thing - missing wing tips)[/color]

[color=red]Cobra Python "Conquest" (missing missiles)[/color]
Cobra Night Raven (missing tail fins & scout jet)
[color=red]Cobra Hammerhead (10% complete)[/color]

Anything in red I'm willing to part with, just make an offer if you are interested.

Prince Adam
05-30-2009, 11:58 AM
Today the postwoman brought me a nice sized box containing a 100% complete Zartan and Swamp Skier, even has the box and all the inserts and paperwork including catalogs and such. On top of that it still had the thermo-sticker sheet with only one set applied! I'm like pig in... you know. ;)

oh yeah, got a complete Swivel Arm Cobra Trooper too. But he's taking a back seat. :D

05-31-2009, 09:56 PM
Finally, FINALLY my CC Undertow arrived, and man, is he a cool figure! :D

06-01-2009, 07:06 AM
I got my stuff from BBTS recently, which was:

The MASS Device DVD pack
Weather Dominator DVD pack
MOSC version 2 HEAT Viper (which I opened as he didn't seem to be worth much)
25th Anniversary Black HISS Tank
Action Force Devil Fish

Can anyone tell me how rare a AF Devil Fish is by the way? I know regular ones aren't rare, but I don't know about Action Force. It's pretty cool having it in my collection anyway.

06-01-2009, 01:32 PM
Also got my CC Undertow, I concur with everyone on how great this figure is. Now to get some O-Ring Grenadiers..

Urban Saboteur
06-01-2009, 05:37 PM
I finally got the skymate I was looking for :)
Outrider tribute diorama on the way :D

06-03-2009, 06:56 AM
I was able to get one of the elusives (or expensives) Predator from Microman series. It is awesome.

Also, in a lucky strike I got a Special Forces badge. Very cool insignia.


06-03-2009, 07:08 AM
those are some sweet figures aren't they . btw did he have all his bits ? cloack and blades etc?
[QUOTE=Rambo]I was able to get one of the elusives (or expensives) Predator from Microman series. It is awesome.

Also, in a lucky strike I got a Special Forces badge. Very cool insignia.


06-03-2009, 07:15 AM
my newest haul is a tip-top Night raven . now I have 2 ! yes prob over kill . and i got an original AF .S.H.A.R.C or flying submarine . and ofcourse Rexor ed-509 mech
who you've seen posted in the photos .

06-03-2009, 01:21 PM
After many years of looking for one I finally took delivery of a World Peacekeepers Humvee with the canvas cover on the rear deck. If anyone is interesed, I got it from a cool British site:
They have a great range, I've had three orders from them now without a problem.

06-03-2009, 03:03 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]After many years of looking for one I finally took delivery of a World Peacekeepers Humvee with the canvas cover on the rear deck. If anyone is interesed, I got it from a cool British site:
They have a great range, I've had three orders from them now without a problem.[/QUOTE]
Shipping must be KILLER though... :eek:

06-03-2009, 03:40 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Shipping must be KILLER though... :eek:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but it's like that for me wherever I buy from. :(

06-03-2009, 04:21 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]those are some sweet figures aren't they . btw did he have all his bits ? cloack and blades etc?[/QUOTE]

Yep Tyc. He came with everything. Let me take a picture to show you. Indeed, sweet, so sweet.


06-04-2009, 03:04 PM
cool those preds are well worth it oh if you want alternate in scale preds looks for the hottoys snap fit kits . the elder from that set has a sweet cloth cloak . if you don't mind me asking how much did he set ya back ? [QUOTE=Rambo]Yep Tyc. He came with everything. Let me take a picture to show you. Indeed, sweet, so sweet.


06-04-2009, 04:44 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]cool those preds are well worth it oh if you want alternate in scale preds looks for the hottoys snap fit kits . the elder from that set has a sweet cloth cloak . if you don't mind me asking how much did he set ya back ?[/QUOTE]

I dont mind sharing intel.
Price: $15 :D
S&H: $20 :)
Delivery time: 2 months :o . Well, it was in Hong Kong and I live in Colombia (South America)

Hot Toys made spectacular versions. Does hottoys make 3.75 figs?

06-04-2009, 10:20 PM
Got the newer version of the Punisher and Blade figures today. If my computer wasn't so F'ed up right now I'd be posting some pics.

06-04-2009, 10:25 PM

Bought two droids. Target has some 3 3/4" R2 and R5 units that are remote controlled (infrared). They move straight, turn, sounds, lights. The units are better quality than the regular toy.

Picked up the classic blue/white R2 droid, and the black R2 empire version. Pretty good for fun at the office.


Prince Adam
06-04-2009, 10:32 PM
Do they work really well? I was thinking about getting one for my brother.

06-05-2009, 12:46 AM
dude you were damn lucky on that I've seen those on ebay for $40 to $119
anyhu yup hottoys make some sweet figures . http://www.hottoys.com.hk/product.php?cat=15&pid=153 .theres also an aliens set with in scale marines .i have the full set to make the queen to she's huge but standing her is touble

I dont mind sharing intel.
Price: $15 :D
S&H: $20 :)
Delivery time: 2 months :o . Well, it was in Hong Kong and I live in Colombia (South America)

Hot Toys made spectacular versions. Does hottoys make 3.75 figs? [/QUOTE]

06-05-2009, 07:03 AM
[QUOTE=Prince Adam]Do they work really well? I was thinking about getting one for my brother.[/QUOTE]

Yes, they do work well. However, movement is simple, just two buttons on the controller: straight and rotate (rotate right i think). The speed is rather quick, especially the turning. Works best on a level surface. The turning/rotation is pretty narrow, so let's say you find the droid up against a wall, when you turn the unit reverses slightly then rotates. Can get out of jams well.

One con: the two main legs do not move. They are fixed/molded into the body. If the angle of the legs were a little more back, it would give the unit more stability when the droid is turning. That turning can be very quick that it can cause the droid to fall over. Not offten, but has happened several times.

Each unit is on a different frequency/band, so you can have one of each and they won't interfere with each other.

Future plans, I hope to buy another black one and paint it Cobra colors. ;-)

06-09-2009, 10:05 AM
heres a list of my lates hauls including a few pics of them
first of is a set of the manimals
the next is the two megavipers . Bio- and monstro vipers
the cool dtc cover girl from the comic pack .
a complete moray with Lampreys
the ROC air-viper Exclusive
a custom Stormshadow
the Movie destro
3 more neo-vipers
Cobra Island lamprey(wondering will he fit the moray)
the python viper from the conquest .
a set of joe weapons .( I got it cus of the Night creeper CB in it)
and The Best for last is the Captain Power Power base . !! very rare but cool playset perfect for a cobra base setting :)

06-09-2009, 10:50 AM
Finally got some of the stuff I was expecting last week.

Three 1991 Snow Serpents to boost up my Cobra Army for the coming winter
A Dollar Store Beachhead, still carded
Various accessories to complete some of my incomplete figures, including two HEAT-Viper backpacks for my Fast Blast Vipers and a v1 Destro backpack for my Blackout custom.

06-09-2009, 11:05 AM
those the snow serpents with the yellow colurs mixed in ?
[QUOTE=Jay]Finally got some of the stuff I was expecting last week.

Three 1991 Snow Serpents to boost up my Cobra Army for the coming winter
A Dollar Store Beachhead, still carded
Various accessories to complete some of my incomplete figures, including two HEAT-Viper backpacks for my Fast Blast Vipers and a v1 Destro backpack for my Blackout custom.[/QUOTE]

Prince Adam
06-09-2009, 11:13 AM
Tycondrius, that Hydrofoil looks awesome! :D

06-09-2009, 11:21 AM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]those the snow serpents with the yellow colurs mixed in ?[/QUOTE]
Yeah. They're the only ones I can afford to army build.

06-09-2009, 11:28 AM
you looking for an original one? I have a spare minus his gear I think . might have two but i definatly have one.
he doesn't quite fit my 25th and DTC ones .
[QUOTE=Jay]Yeah. They're the only ones I can afford to army build.[/QUOTE]

06-09-2009, 11:29 AM
cheers some of the parts of lose as far as i know but i think she's all there
[QUOTE=Prince Adam]Tycondrius, that Hydrofoil looks awesome! :D[/QUOTE]

06-09-2009, 05:24 PM
I've gotten one heckuva haul! :)

So far, I've gotten the following:

Last week:
Rise of Cobra figures

RoC Breaker
Sgt. Stone
Ripcord in Accelerator Suit
Masked Destro in suit
Grey MARS trooper
Neo Viper

This week:

RoC General Hawk in shirt
Resolute Roadblock , yeah he's massive!

Coming soon:
More Resolute figs, which ones? I won't say..... yet. :lol:

06-09-2009, 05:33 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]you looking for an original one? I have a spare minus his gear I think . might have two but i definatly have one.
he doesn't quite fit my 25th and DTC ones .[/QUOTE]
No thanks.
I'm happy with these guys.

I have eight now, and in total it's cost me only 50$ shipped to get that many. Granted, they have no gear except for one almost complete, but that's what Marauder Inc is for.

06-09-2009, 05:33 PM
whats your take on the neo-viper and the M.a.r.s troopers? btw wich version of the neo is it ?
havn't got any of the other joes yet . all cobra so far .

[QUOTE=miragearmor]I've gotten one heckuva haul! :)

So far, I've gotten the following:

Last week:
Rise of Cobra figures

RoC Breaker
Sgt. Stone
Ripcord in Accelerator Suit
Masked Destro in suit
Grey MARS trooper
Neo Viper

This week:

RoC General Hawk in shirt
Resolute Roadblock , yeah he's massive!

Coming soon:
More Resolute figs, which ones? I won't say..... yet. :lol:[/QUOTE]

06-10-2009, 12:10 AM
Took delivery of two of the new Stingers today, and having had a look at them I'm a little disappointed. The plastic feels cheap and there's quite a few rough edges on them. Even the finish of the plastic looks half done. I just hope the Arctic HISS tanks have been done better.

06-10-2009, 12:25 AM
cool you must snap some pics of them . just wondering do you want to ofload the 25th style drivers for the stingers ?
[QUOTE=Outrider]Took delivery of two of the new Stingers today, and having had a look at them I'm a little disappointed. The plastic feels cheap and there's quite a few rough edges on them. Even the finish of the plastic looks half done. I just hope the Arctic HISS tanks have been done better.[/QUOTE]

06-10-2009, 06:21 AM
[QUOTE=miragearmor]Resolute Roadblock , yeah he's massive![/QUOTE]

Pic please!!!

06-10-2009, 02:53 PM
Well, you asked for it.

Coming next week. Resolute Gung-Ho

06-10-2009, 03:02 PM
Pics of the RoC figures

06-10-2009, 03:15 PM
sweet head sculpt on him . love that rocket you popped in his hand lol . he does have better looking arms then the 25th RB ? [QUOTE=miragearmor]Well, you asked for it.

Coming next week. Resolute Gung-Ho[/QUOTE]

Prince Adam
06-11-2009, 12:04 AM
I bought two lots of what is essentially custom fodder, I'm running extremely low, about thiry figures. Might be a couple keepers in there but I really won't know until they arrive. :confused:

06-12-2009, 07:26 AM
I was in houston again for work and picked up checkpoint alpha in really good complete condition. I always wanted one. Maybe this weekend I can get some shots of it

06-14-2009, 02:46 PM
I just got a whale, a reissue rattler, 3 crimson hiss tanks, a crimson guard, the crimson officer pack, big boa, wraith, 2 of the flame thrower desert troops and one of the environmental one, a viper, a snow serpent, a bio viper, the two packs with shockwave and destro and storm shadow and tunnel rat, and a whole ton of joe comics at adventure con this year.

06-15-2009, 08:39 AM
just got my power base and the Manimals and custom SS .
ok own up who won that sweet lot of stuff on ebay there was a joe HQ and Night raven and a ton of Joe jets . the seller was in canada . man it was a nice haul the winning bid was only $55 they had a complete Nightraven .rattler the HQ looked complete too plus a whole bunch of other vehicles

06-15-2009, 06:52 PM
Scored a 2003 convention Major Storm and Lady Jaye last week and they finally arrived today. Unfortunatly I need to completly redo the paintjob on Jaye's eyes because they were way off :( :mad: . Worse than funskool :eek: . Also the seller sent me Falcon's filecard instead of major storm's :confused:

Prince Adam
06-15-2009, 06:56 PM
That's a great score, Scar! Sucks about the fc though and Jaye's eyes. The Joes from that set are fairly underrated, imo. Everyone goes apesplat over the Crimson Vipers and the Joes get no love. :confused:

06-15-2009, 07:03 PM
[QUOTE=Scarrviper]Scored a 2003 convention Major Storm and Lady Jaye last week and they finally arrived today. Unfortunatly I need to completly redo the paintjob on Jaye's eyes because they were way off :( :mad: . Worse than funskool :eek: . Also the seller sent me Falcon's filecard instead of major storm's :confused:[/QUOTE]
Just swap the head with a Comic Pack Lady Jaye head. ;)

Also, while this isn't a Joe booty, I still feel I need to show this off.

I've just obtained a HasbroToyShop exclusive Transformers Universe Special Edition Drag Strip and a Toys'r'us exclusive Transformers Universe Darkwing....
And it didn't cost me a bloody dime! :D :D :D
[SIZE=1](now, if only I could score myself a free Mobile Command Center somehow)[/SIZE]

06-15-2009, 10:07 PM
[QUOTE=Scarrviper]Scored a 2003 convention Major Storm and Lady Jaye last week and they finally arrived today. Unfortunatly I need to completly redo the paintjob on Jaye's eyes because they were way off :( :mad: . Worse than funskool :eek: . Also the seller sent me Falcon's filecard instead of major storm's :confused:[/QUOTE]

...which means there's probably someone somewhere who has a Falcon figure with Major Storm's file card! :rolleyes: It's a shame about LJ's eyes, because those con figures are a really cool trio. Can't wait to see them in your pics Kurt.

06-15-2009, 10:13 PM
My latest loot:

One 25th blueshirt soldier

06-16-2009, 12:05 AM
woah nice score jay howd ya manage to get them free !!?
those guys aint cheap . well dragstrip aint . one of my fav recolours of that mold the TF movie repaint is a close second .

[QUOTE=Jay]Just swap the head with a Comic Pack Lady Jaye head. ;)

Also, while this isn't a Joe booty, I still feel I need to show this off.

I've just obtained a HasbroToyShop exclusive Transformers Universe Special Edition Drag Strip and a Toys'r'us exclusive Transformers Universe Darkwing....
And it didn't cost me a bloody dime! :D :D :D
[SIZE=1](now, if only I could score myself a free Mobile Command Center somehow)[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

06-16-2009, 12:13 AM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]woah nice score jay howd ya manage to get them free !!?
those guys aint cheap . well dragstrip aint . one of my fav recolours of that mold the TF movie repaint is a close second .[/QUOTE]
Well, it's a hilarious story.

See, when the first pictures of Universe Cheetor popped up, he was pretty badly mistransformed... I got in an argument with another guy about whether or not he'd suck, and I maintained my position that he would not suck. He ended up asking me if I was willing to bet on that, I agreed, and the bet was for a Deluxe-class figure of the winner's choice. He eventually conceded even before Cheetor came out and ordered me Special Edition Dragstrip from HTS.
When he finally got around to mailing that to me, for some reason he decided to throw in Darkwing as an "apology for taking so long to ship it", in spite of the fact that I never even bothered him about it.

So yeah.
Now I need to get a 1983 GIJoe HQ or a Mobile Command Center 100% free, somehow.... :rolleyes:

06-16-2009, 12:55 AM
that was some . luck . never been a big fan of BM or BWs myself .
not sure about free but sum lucky sod won this
man talk about nice hauls !!
[QUOTE=Jay]Well, it's a hilarious story.

See, when the first pictures of Universe Cheetor popped up, he was pretty badly mistransformed... I got in an argument with another guy about whether or not he'd suck, and I maintained my position that he would not suck. He ended up asking me if I was willing to bet on that, I agreed, and the bet was for a Deluxe-class figure of the winner's choice. He eventually conceded even before Cheetor came out and ordered me Special Edition Dragstrip from HTS.
When he finally got around to mailing that to me, for some reason he decided to throw in Darkwing as an "apology for taking so long to ship it", in spite of the fact that I never even bothered him about it.

So yeah.
Now I need to get a 1983 GIJoe HQ or a Mobile Command Center 100% free, somehow.... :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

06-16-2009, 01:16 AM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]that was some . luck . never been a big fan of BM or BWs myself .
not sure about free but sum lucky sod won this
man talk about nice hauls !![/QUOTE]
Oh WOW epic win!

You should've sent me the URL before, I'm in the same province!
I could've won this, broke even by re-selling the Night Raven and Mamba, and then set out to complete the HQ and whatever else worth completing.

06-16-2009, 06:19 AM
I know I was kicking myself . I was actualy in the lead up to the last 2mins too !! lol .
that woulda bumped me up to three night ravens !!

[QUOTE=Jay]Oh WOW epic win!

You should've sent me the URL before, I'm in the same province!
I could've won this, broke even by re-selling the Night Raven and Mamba, and then set out to complete the HQ and whatever else worth completing.[/QUOTE]

Urban Saboteur
06-16-2009, 10:44 PM
I got some stuff recently, I thought I'd share with you guys here.
Cobra Alley-Viper 2002
Cobra Coils 2003
Crimson Guard 2004
1988 Stellar Stiletto missing clamp.
2x Cobra Infantry Trooper
Watch Tower Ladder
TBP Piece
and some bits and bobs I intend to use for custom projects.
Sonya Blade
Black Dragon Ninja-2004
Sure Fire
Deep Six
Night Force Beach Head
Night Force Tunnel Rat


I'm closing in on completing my ultimate Joe team :D I estimate I will need another 30 or so GIJOES some of them like Falcon & Freefall and more rarer htf joes like Updraft and SP figures. :)

06-17-2009, 05:27 PM
Some sweet pick ups there Rich. I had a nice little delivery from the mailman today too:

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/9780984@N03/3636549245/" title="Tatsy! by cradea2, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3592/3636549245_9ceb6da268_o.jpg" width="1280" height="960" alt="Tatsy!" /></a>

06-17-2009, 06:52 PM

You are so lucky Craig. Where did you order them? I really hope these get released in stores eventually.

Prince Adam
06-17-2009, 07:42 PM
Saw that shot on Flickr and itit's a great haul, Craig! I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on the Flak in particular. I may just have to grabb a set of these vehicles, they all look great! :)

Urban Saboteur
06-17-2009, 07:43 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Some sweet pick ups there Rich. I had a nice little delivery from the mailman today too:

Thanks matey, I saw yours on flickr.com earlier tonight and had to comment. Mail man has been comparitively good to us both :D
Those HISS Tanks look awesome. They have mounted Surface to Air Missile systems right?

Prince Adam
06-17-2009, 07:54 PM
Y'know that version of Guile was actually one of my favorite toys at point. That was during my Sega phase. The Dragonfly repaint he came with was pretty cool too, really wish I still had it. Great haul, Sabotuer!

06-17-2009, 08:07 PM
[QUOTE=Prince Adam]Y'know that version of Guile was actually one of my favorite toys at point. That was during my Sega phase. The Dragonfly repaint he came with was pretty cool too, really wish I still had it. Great haul, Sabotuer![/QUOTE]
I have that one (it cost me less than a Dragonfly would've). I replaced two of its missiles with Tiger Fly bombs I got with a Tiger Fish... still need Tiger Fly missiles for it though.

06-17-2009, 10:58 PM
Kurt, I picked these two up from eBay, but I have two more on the way from BBTS. Smalljoes were out of stock, unfortunately. And Rich, the missiles are exactly the same as those on the new Stinger.

06-18-2009, 05:36 AM
hmm i take it the snow serpent drivers was striped of web gear and given to nephew too ?

[QUOTE=Outrider]Kurt, I picked these two up from eBay, but I have two more on the way from BBTS. Smalljoes were out of stock, unfortunately. And Rich, the missiles are exactly the same as those on the new Stinger.[/QUOTE]

06-18-2009, 05:39 AM
how does the air-viper connect to the claw is it peg or clip ?
I got one of those today I gotta admit he's pretty bang on strato-viper .still can't find my original one :( plus this guy can't sit in the night raven unless I amputate his legs . lol

[QUOTE=Outrider]Some sweet pick ups there Rich. I had a nice little delivery from the mailman today too:

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/9780984@N03/3636549245/" title="Tatsy! by cradea2, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3592/3636549245_9ceb6da268_o.jpg" width="1280" height="960" alt="Tatsy!" /></a>[/QUOTE]

06-18-2009, 12:17 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]how does the air-viper connect to the claw is it peg or clip ?[/QUOTE]

There's a peg on the underside of the Claw for the Strato Viper's back. And yep, the nephew is already playing with the figures!

Prince Adam
06-18-2009, 04:07 PM
Got one of my custom fodder lots in today. There were a few good ones amongst the roughage though. I'm diggin Airwave a lot and I'd been wanting to pick up Big Ben v1 for a while. Blizzard was actually in better condition that I was expecting and I've got his helmet around somewhere. Dodger I'm not too sure about, he may just wind up being a random vehicle driver, and Taurus' head will likely go to 'Nok. The other 15 are fairly forgettable though so I didn't take pics.


06-22-2009, 05:13 PM

My (Late) Fathers day gift;

10 25th Eels and the MArs 3 pack! My wife Loves me! :)


06-22-2009, 08:43 PM
Nice group of Eels!

06-23-2009, 07:12 AM
Wow Frank!!! Nice score, I was able to get only one.
Where did you meet your wife? I need one that kind.

06-23-2009, 01:53 PM
Frank, if only they were MOC 1985 Eels instead... :)

06-23-2009, 02:12 PM
Picked up a Best of the 80's dvd pack at Marshalls this morning. Now my Mass Device will be complete.

06-23-2009, 03:51 PM
picked up some more joe scale Maisto motorcycles from target today for my 'noks. Now all I need is a thunder machine.

06-25-2009, 06:35 AM
My first Arctic HISS tank has arrived.

06-26-2009, 03:28 PM
Wandered in again last night to the toy shop I found the smaller movie toys at last week, and there staring me in the face was the full range of ROC stuff. So, I picked up the Steel Crusher (excellent - well designed vehicle) and the Cobra Gunship (a little weird but not too bad), and passed on the Night Raven (a little too "cartoonish" in design for me). I bought a few of the figures for the cool accessories. They seem to be a little less scrawny and less fragile than the regular 25th figures.

06-26-2009, 03:54 PM
oh oh oh please can i grab the moto viper of ya please please please . btw how much are thos steel crushers . I really want one just love the looks of them

I got one !! 34.99euro . sweet its amazing . but Craig if your looking for a home for the moto I'll gladly give ya some of my ARAH stuff for him :)

[QUOTE=Outrider]Wandered in again last night to the toy shop I found the smaller movie toys at last week, and there staring me in the face was the full range of ROC stuff. So, I picked up the Steel Crusher (excellent - well designed vehicle) and the Cobra Gunship (a little weird but not too bad), and passed on the Night Raven (a little too "cartoonish" in design for me). I bought a few of the figures for the cool accessories. They seem to be a little less scrawny and less fragile than the regular 25th figures.[/QUOTE]

06-30-2009, 02:05 PM

Thanks I got my 2 Convention Headhunters Stormtroopers. Thanks for re-shipping them.

And I got my main Roadblock, the Antivenon version, until I can get my hands on the Heavy Assault Squad.

06-30-2009, 03:03 PM
Took delivery of two more Arctic Hiss tanks, and finally won an auction for a 1983 Viper Pilot in mint condition. As soon as it arrives I'll post a shot of it. :)

06-30-2009, 04:43 PM
my newest hauls include the pictured items
but also another brown neo-viper
the full Dr lewis ROC figure
4 Python troopers 25th
pilot scarlett
artic scarlett
quarrel scarlett
red neo-viper x12
resolute flight pack destro
pp copperhead
and cusstom crimson viper
plus ROC Cobra commander.
St stone
and covergirl
5 pack baroness newer version

06-30-2009, 05:25 PM
I've always wanted a Fort America.

More out of morbid curiosity as to just what it does more than anything else, though.

06-30-2009, 09:57 PM
Better late than never! Got my second Arctic hiss about a week ago and scored 2 MIP Major Barrage figures on ebay for under $20 including shipping!!

07-01-2009, 03:35 PM
yeah me to. was thinking it might make a nice dio piece.I can't wait to get that condor it was only 45$ !! I thought those things were like gold dust like the ravens !
[QUOTE=Jay]I've always wanted a Fort America.

More out of morbid curiosity as to just what it does more than anything else, though.[/QUOTE]

Prince Adam
07-02-2009, 11:00 AM
My brother had Fort America when we were kids and a cousin of ours did as well. The three of us were never too impressed with it. The concept is interesting, but the delivery is a bit lacking.

I got a mostly complete '86 Wetsuit today so now I finally have a complete one! Just gotta get some water....

07-02-2009, 11:29 AM
Not exactly Joe-related, but today I finally got my Henkei! Henkei! Transformers versions of Thrust and Dirge, which means I now possess all seven Seekers in Classics format. :D :D

07-02-2009, 03:21 PM
pics man pics .
I have ramjet ,starscream and skywarp myself . I know theres Thrust, Dirge and thundercraker whos the 7th ?

[QUOTE=Jay]Not exactly Joe-related, but today I finally got my Henkei! Henkei! Transformers versions of Thrust and Dirge, which means I now possess all seven Seekers in Classics format. :D :D[/QUOTE]

07-02-2009, 04:13 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]pics man pics .
I have ramjet ,starscream and skywarp myself . I know theres Thrust, Dirge and thundercraker whos the 7th ?[/QUOTE]

Acid Storm?

Congrats on the haul Jay!

07-02-2009, 04:22 PM
sheesh I forgot about him. I don't think of his as a seeker as he was only on cybertron in the cartoon but had a cybertonian form.lol . I past up on the toy for him a few times :( [QUOTE=Nekoman]Acid Storm?

Congrats on the haul Jay![/QUOTE]

07-02-2009, 09:46 PM
Greetings mortals!

Well, I haven't bought anything in a while with events at the hospital and all that. So to combat that, this week I went and got the following:

- Resolute Trooper (x12)
- Cobra Legions (5 pack box set. Never did get this before)
- Cobra blue shirt - soldier (x4)
- Microman Catwoman
- Star Wars snow stormtrooper (x5)
- Star Wars Hoth rebel (x3)
- Star Wars stormtrooper (x3)
- Resolute Duke (green version)
- Cobra Resolute 5 pack (x1)
- 3" x 5" reclosable bags for the figures (x400)
- Shipwreck/Copperhead comic pack (x2)
- ROC Zartan
- ROC Scarlett
- ROC Heavy Duty
- ROC Heavy Duty (reactive impact armor)
- ROC Cover Girl
- ROC Stg. Stone
- ROC Deep Six
- ROC Cobra Viper Commando
- ROC Shipwreck
- ROC Breaker
- ROC Ripcord (delta 6)
- KOTCS Irina Spalko (x3)
- KOTCS WWII German bike/rider (x2)
- Cobra Air Viper (x2)
- Cobra Arctic HISS (might have mentioned previously)

Well, that's all I remember for now.

Black Knight
07-03-2009, 08:23 AM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Greetings mortals!

Well, I haven't bought anything in a while with events at the hospital and all that. So to combat that, this week I went and got the following:

- Resolute Trooper (x12)
- Cobra Legions (5 pack box set. Never did get this before)
- Cobra blue shirt - soldier (x4)
- Microman Catwoman
- Star Wars snow stormtrooper (x5)
- Star Wars Hoth rebel (x3)
- Star Wars stormtrooper (x3)
- Resolute Duke (green version)
- Cobra Resolute 5 pack (x1)
- 3" x 5" reclosable bags for the figures (x400)
- Shipwreck/Copperhead comic pack (x2)
- ROC Zartan
- ROC Scarlett
- ROC Heavy Duty
- ROC Heavy Duty (reactive impact armor)
- ROC Cover Girl
- ROC Stg. Stone
- ROC Deep Six
- ROC Cobra Viper Commando
- ROC Shipwreck
- ROC Breaker
- ROC Ripcord (delta 6)
- KOTCS Irina Spalko (x3)
- KOTCS WWII German bike/rider (x2)
- Cobra Air Viper (x2)
- Cobra Arctic HISS (might have mentioned previously)

Well, that's all I remember for now.[/QUOTE]

Nice haul... i'm jealous.:p

07-03-2009, 04:33 PM
Today I received the 1998 Arctic Firefly (now I have a Firefly for every occasion!) and the 2003 Operation Anaconda Cobra Commander.

07-03-2009, 06:34 PM
Picked up a few of the Bravo Team Special Forces figures. 3 of the Delta Force and 2 of the SEALs.

Da Talent
07-04-2009, 08:26 AM
picked up a steel crusher and gunship this morning.

07-04-2009, 03:39 PM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]picked up a steel crusher and gunship this morning.[/QUOTE]

Can't wait to see your take on the Gunship Cory!

Black Knight
07-04-2009, 06:16 PM
Ok, where to begin... I started out this morning by heading to TRU. When I got there they hadn't put out the ROC stuff yet and didn't plan on it till Monday since they were understaffed for the weekend. Well, long story short... the manager let me raid the "U-Boat" of ROC stuff while it was in the stock room before anyone else even knew it was there. I love that I use to work there.

Here's my grab... don't ask how much I spent:D ;

Duke (desert)
Ripcord (D-6 suit)
"Deep-Six" (its really Torpedo)
Heavy Duty (green camo)
Snake Eyes (without Trench Coat)
Viper Commando (X's 2)
Neo Viper (X's 2)

APV Humvee w/ Nitro Viper
ATV (4-wheeler) w/ Scrap-Iron (X's 2)
Gun Ship w/ Firefly (X's 3)
Night Raven w/ Strato-Viper

I feel like I'm forgeting stuff, but I think thats it.

07-04-2009, 07:39 PM
Oh wow! You got some I've been hunting for: Firefly, desert duke, Baroness. I don't intend to get the vehicles just yet. A lot of 25th stuff on clearance to buy first.

Gosh, I'm jealous!

So, are all TRU's supposed to place these out on Monday? I went to TRU here yesterday.. Friday.. no life in the place.

07-04-2009, 10:43 PM
Lucked out and one of the local TRU's had some of the Movie stuff. Got Heavy Duty in Armor, Ripcord in Accelerator suit, Shipwreck, Firefly, Sgt Stone and Deep six. They had more, but I didn't like Scarlett, Desert Duke, Cobra Commander, Either Version of Storm Shadow (too "Reloaded" looking for me!) or the Vipers (look like Cleitus from Flash Gordon!). And what is this Zartan? Ughn? BBQ is like a neon yellow. Are BBQ, Shipwreck and Deepsix (Torpedo) even in the movie?

They also had the new armadillo (called the Panther), the new ferret, the Bora machines (wanted one, but NOT forking over $16.99 for one!) The Pit, the new snow mobile (nice, but $16.99!) The noght raven and the gunship (for like $22). It's bad enough the movie is Probably gonna suck, but can they quit gouging us at the register?

The good news is Target has ever other GI Joe on clearence....bad news is, the E-scalpers have drained most of the targets here dry!

Oh, I just opened Deep Six and I keep thinking "DOCTOR" Fumbles!! LOL

07-04-2009, 11:41 PM
waoh kool what ya doing with the extra fireflys with the gunships ? btw anyone with a tru near them ? I wanna get the TRU exclusive movie Firefly to

[QUOTE=Black Knight]Ok, where to begin... I started out this morning by heading to TRU. When I got there they hadn't put out the ROC stuff yet and didn't plan on it till Monday since they were understaffed for the weekend. Well, long story short... the manager let me raid the "U-Boat" of ROC stuff while it was in the stock room before anyone else even knew it was there. I love that I use to work there.

Here's my grab... don't ask how much I spent:D ;

Duke (desert)
Ripcord (D-6 suit)
"Deep-Six" (its really Torpedo)
Heavy Duty (green camo)
Snake Eyes (without Trench Coat)
Viper Commando (X's 2)
Neo Viper (X's 2)

APV Humvee w/ Nitro Viper
ATV (4-wheeler) w/ Scrap-Iron (X's 2)
Gun Ship w/ Firefly (X's 3)
Night Raven w/ Strato-Viper

I feel like I'm forgeting stuff, but I think thats it.[/QUOTE]

07-05-2009, 07:49 AM
Snagged a steel crusher this morning at Target. It rocks.

07-05-2009, 02:46 PM
ROC Covergirl, Baroness, and Scarlett in cammo.

Black Knight
07-05-2009, 04:00 PM
Made another run today...

Cobra Commander
Scarlett (impact armor)
Snake Eyes (trench Coat)
Viper Commando (X's 6)

Da Talent
07-05-2009, 04:13 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Can't wait to see your take on the Gunship Cory![/QUOTE]

been toying around with it a bit today, I think I have some fun ideas for it. :)

07-05-2009, 06:38 PM
Hunted around, got the following:

ROC Breaker (second for custom)
ROC Destro (can anyone explain why that big gun breaks in two?)
ROC Viper-Commando (second one)
ROC Firefly (essentially a resolute trooper with FF head. Excellent for customs)
ROC Barbeque (sp?) (with two guns.. now he can put out fires and shoot survivors if they're cobras)
25th Tripwire (for customs)

There was nothing else new at Target or TRU in terms of figures. However, lots of vehicles. I almost got the Steel Crusher, but primary reason, this week I need to continue army building Resolute Troopers, and the second reason is I didn't like the ROC figure with the vehicle. But maybe I might break down and buy it tomorrow.

Prince Adam
07-05-2009, 06:43 PM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]been toying around with it a bit today, I think I have some fun ideas for it. :)[/QUOTE]

I'm looking forward to that one, FF! I think there's a lot of potential, but the stock vehicle is lacking.

07-05-2009, 08:27 PM
I got the Steel Crusher, ROC Shipwreck, Reactive Armor Heavy Duty and Sgt. Stone at Target today.

07-05-2009, 08:44 PM
Picked up new ROC stuff....Steel Crusher, Baroness, Duke in reactive Armor, Scarlett in Reactive Armor and an Ice Viper. I dunno about you guys, but the guy that came with the Steel Crusher, shouldn't he be a Alley Viper vice a Nitro Viper? His vehicle is for Urban Combat.......

Prince Adam
07-05-2009, 08:49 PM
It's really a Motor-Viper than anything else. To me the sculpt screams Motor-Viper, especially the "vest" and helmet.

07-06-2009, 07:13 AM
since my last post here i dont know what6 i got. trakker underwater diver, steel crusher and the panther, blade, cap america, batista, lashley, maverick, wolvering and deadpool. a few more im sure, not a lot around here joewise.

07-06-2009, 06:50 PM
Not much of a haul... but I purchased my first ROC figure, Torpedo (or rather, "Deep-Six") today.

07-06-2009, 09:56 PM
I got ROC Firefly today. Great accessories: falcons knife and backpack, and the flashlight, multi-tool, and gas can from comic pack FF. Also Beachhead's rifle with removable clip, the clip bag, and an extra clip. The body is resolute trooper with airborne's vest. Plus the goggles and an EEL head i think. Pretty cool fig.

07-06-2009, 10:26 PM
Bought my second ROC Firefly today. Got it specifically for customs because it's a resolute trooper, really, with FF's head from one of the comic packs. But slap on a resolute trooper's helmet and you got yourself a trooper nearly perfect for urban warfare. So tonight out came the paint and city camo.....

Black Knight
07-07-2009, 05:31 PM
Made another ROC run today... and planning another tomarrow.

DeepSix (wetsuit) (custom fodder)
Elite Viper
Sgt. Stone (custom fodder)
Zartan (custom fodder) X's 2
Heavy Duty (Impact Armor)

Scuba Steve
07-07-2009, 06:03 PM
Funny that you picked those up BK! I just went to Target because I heard that someone found Helix already! Ended up grabbing Zartan (makes a good no name MP) and reactive armor HD.

07-07-2009, 06:38 PM
Greetings mortals!

Also made another run to Target today, with the intent of raiding it, but it seems I had already gotten most of the ROC's they had to offer. However, this time I was able to get the following:

ROC Storm Shadow.
ROC Baroness (attack of the pit version)
ROC Neo-Viper Commando (just buying these one at a time, no rush)

Tomorrow TRU is getting a shipment in, they might have more ROC's. But I'm waiting for that sale later this month I keep hearing about, and it'll be right after payday... hehe.. TRU won't know what'll hit 'em. *evil grin*

07-07-2009, 07:12 PM
After finding the prices at TRU ludicrous, I managed to score a Steel Crusher at Wal-Mart for 28$ + tax. :)

It reminded me of why I always hated applying stickers.

07-08-2009, 10:53 PM
I got the extreme conditions arctic pack today. I have been seeing them at Hastings and couldnt resist anymore. It helps I got a fat overtime check too.

07-09-2009, 06:18 AM
[QUOTE=ThinkTank]I got the extreme conditions arctic pack today. I have been seeing them at Hastings and couldnt resist anymore. It helps I got a fat overtime check too.[/QUOTE]

07-09-2009, 04:17 PM
Okay, so I said I wasn't going to but the new Night Raven, but I walked into K Mart yesterday and the entire ROC line was 25% off, so I grabbed one. It's better than I thought, but not a patch on the original.

07-10-2009, 12:02 PM
bought in store today Heavyduty .Zartan and shipwreak . also the ferret in brown with scrappy .
btw anyone want to know euro price on the raven its 49.99,
the small vehicles were 18.99 and regular figures were 9.99 ..
got a good few for €8.99

07-10-2009, 01:46 PM
My haul for today:

Rockslide snow mobile
Paris Pursuit Storm Shadow
Viper Commando

07-10-2009, 01:54 PM
Big thanks to Jay for the heads up about the figs bein out here in Canada. Hit TRU where they were only 6.99 or so a piece.


07-10-2009, 03:22 PM
sweet which wave is Pais stormy ? thats the unmasked one right ? [QUOTE=Jay]My haul for today:

Rockslide snow mobile
Paris Pursuit Storm Shadow
Viper Commando[/QUOTE]

07-10-2009, 06:22 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]sweet which wave is Pais stormy ? thats the unmasked one right ?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the unmasked one. "Collection 1 wave 2", along with Paris Pursuit Snake-Eyes (with trenchcoat), Cobra Commander, Reactive Armor Duke, Reactive Armor Scarlett and the Ice-Viper.

07-10-2009, 08:03 PM
Greetings all ye mortals!

Went to Target (again) today and saw that they have loaded up on GI Joe everywhere. Lots of 'em.

So, I bought just the following:

Ice-Viper (x5)

They had others, but I have them all except paris SS and CC. But I wanted the ice-viper b/c you know, I like Cobra arctic stuff, eventhough I live in Texas.

Beast from the east
07-10-2009, 08:34 PM
I have the gunship in hand plus the nightraven,steel crusher and another gunship on layaway.

07-12-2009, 01:08 PM
just wondering are all the Ice vipers you seen the same so far ? theres meant to be two diffrent google parts to them
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Greetings all ye mortals!

Went to Target (again) today and saw that they have loaded up on GI Joe everywhere. Lots of 'em.

So, I bought just the following:

Ice-Viper (x5)

They had others, but I have them all except paris SS and CC. But I wanted the ice-viper b/c you know, I like Cobra arctic stuff, eventhough I live in Texas.[/QUOTE]

07-12-2009, 01:09 PM
how much were the gundship in canadian ? over here they are 37.99 euro's [QUOTE=Beast from the east]I have the gunship in hand plus the nightraven,steel crusher and another gunship on layaway.[/QUOTE]

07-12-2009, 09:41 PM
Greetings all ye mortals!

Just found a desert ambush scarlett. Nice figure, the face on this one is better than the urban camo scarlett. One gripe, the arms/shoulder is slightly covered by the armor design. There's a bit of armor at the deltoid level which hinders her from raising the arms.

Black Knight
07-13-2009, 01:56 PM
Grabbed 8 more ROC Viper Commandos and also got 4 Resolute "blues" in the mail today. Heading out for an "all day search" tommarow.

Urban Saboteur
07-14-2009, 09:24 AM
I shared these elsewhere so i might as well let you know what I got recently.

Blaster Complete
Destro Complete
NF Storm Shadow
NF Dojo
NF T'Jbang
Urban Storm Shadow

Daina, Shrage & Brekhov. General Abernathy, Clutch, Duke, Roadblock, Stalker, Destro, Scrap Iron, Firefly & Serpentor all from the Comic Packs. :cool:

Beast from the east
07-14-2009, 09:52 AM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]how much were the gundship in canadian ? over here they are 37.99 euro's[/QUOTE]
Nightraven $48.84
$19.93 for the Ferrot,Rockslide,pathfinder and molepod

07-15-2009, 06:26 AM
Hello everybody!!!

I'd like to share with you my latest and BIGGEST booty of all times. Special thanks to Frank and Graham for their collaboration; without their help this wouldn't be possible.



Beast from the east
07-15-2009, 06:33 AM
congrats on this huge haul

07-15-2009, 06:43 AM
:eek: DAMN!!!! Rambo that's huge brotha

07-15-2009, 05:53 PM
Man, that is onw AWESOME pick up, congrats!

07-15-2009, 08:22 PM
Greetings mortals!

Finally picked up the following:

- Night Raven version 2
- Steel Crusher
- Cobra Eel (finally got a 25th style one.. need more ;-)
- Cobra Para-Viper (woot!)
- ROC Desert Duke
- ROC Desert Ambush Scarlett (x3)
- ROC Baroness (second one)
- ROC Neo-Viper Commando
- 300 3"x5" resealable plastic figure bags

It feels like there's more, but I think that's it for today.

07-15-2009, 08:29 PM
Hey Carlos, Rambo looks great with the custom AK, lets see a cloe up!

07-16-2009, 12:01 AM
Over the past week or so...

4x desert dukes
1x grey camo CoverGirl
1x grey camo Scarlet

1x Ferret (wanted Scrap Iron)
1x Armadillo (wanted for Thunder)

Pet Shop Boys - Cubism (DVD)
Pet Shop Boys - Greatest Hits
Sepultura - A-Lex

House (season1&2, bundle pack for $45)
CSI (vegas, Seasons 6&7)

Pangya (PSP; cute japanese golf game)

Elizabeth Swan from Pirates2? 3? Comes w/ funky globe. Clearance and... I have a figure of Keira Knightly... :eek:

07-16-2009, 05:24 PM
Greetings mortals!

Well, I'm all grins... My Cobra is finally entering the 21st century. Just got a Night Raven 2 and a new Ferret, and with yesterday's delivery of a Steel Crusher I'm all happy. At last.. in the 80's everyone I knew who had Joes had everything. I didn't have Destro, though, maybe that's why.... Now I do and that's all the difference ;-)

07-16-2009, 11:51 PM
Finally got a ROC Cover Girl. Wish the figure was as hot as the package pic! LOL

HAs anyone found PIT Commandos? All the online stores sold out of them and no store around here has a single one! From the look of them they are THE items to have!

Black Knight
07-17-2009, 09:30 AM
My lastest haul...

Viper Commando (X's 4)
Ice Viper (X's 1)

Sandtroopers (X's 2)

Terminator T.R.I.P. (X's 1) These are on clearance at Target for $3.88.

07-19-2009, 06:22 PM
Greetings mortals!

Mole-pod - Expensive for what it is, but it's actually fairly neat. It'll be fun to paint it and really weather it down. A sub-terrainian (sp?) force should probably be interesting for dios.

ROC Baroness (x2)
ROC Scarlett (x2)
ROC Cobra Commander
ROC Desert Duke
ROC Neo-Viper (x2)

Feels like I got something more, but can't place it. Been doing lots of customizations, so maybe that's what's playing tricks with me.

07-19-2009, 07:20 PM
In the past week I managed to acquire Paris Pursuit Snake-Eyes (who's a lefty, just like the actor portraying him!!!), Sgt. Stone and Accelerator Suit Ripcord.

I also got a Greenshirt figure in the mail after getting it on ebay, the blond one with a HISS Driver torso. His upper body is all skinny and his lower body is all big, it's a weird mesh of parts...

Black Knight
07-19-2009, 09:17 PM
My latest grabs...

Ice Viper (x's 2)

Star Wars - Legecy
Snowtroopers (x's 2)
Joker Squad

I've bled most of the stores around dry... I'm having trouble finding things now. Hopefully new shippments will be arriving soon.

07-19-2009, 11:25 PM
i got accelerator suit ripcord. the head sculpt is right on the money. I also got the Tripwire/CC comic pack for 4 dollars and a python patrol officer for 2 dollars on clearance at Target.

07-20-2009, 01:09 PM
Got my Cobra Island 7 pack, already have swung a deal for Dr. Mindbender...

Posted up a quickie review.

Beast from the east
07-20-2009, 02:32 PM
I ROC Cover Girl,CG and python Patrol off ebay
and am really glad I won the Star Wars fig Whorm Lothsome
I have the blue Tank for him already.

Beast from the east
07-21-2009, 09:26 AM
So I went to walmart last night.
The display was gone from the middle of the isle but they had them set up in a regular isle. I bought the night raven,another gunship,steel crusher and Camo Scarlett.
The night Raven is really cool.I didn't have ythe original so I can't compare the 2 but the lights and sounds and the semi automatic firing missles are awesome.For the $50 I paid, its worth it.I will do a review of it later today.

Steel crusher is ok.Might use it as a prisoner transport for Cobra.

Have 2 Gunships now.2 things I don't like are 1. No Propeller.Should have it and 2. Hard to sit anyone in the back.Seems too small to fit a fig in there nicely.

07-21-2009, 11:29 AM
Today I received a Cobra WOLF (stickerless, missing the wheels and with the front cockpit hinge broken, but otherwise complete) and an almost-complete GIJoe Badger, so I can now begin to transplant parts between the Crimson Cruiser and the Badger to make a maroon and blue Cobra vehicle! :D

07-21-2009, 01:42 PM
Aaaaand I just got back from shopping with a Mole Pod.
I mostly got it for the Terra-Viper, whom I will use as a Cobra infantry commander... I guess the Mole Pod can be his personal attack vehicle.

07-21-2009, 01:56 PM
doesnt that mole pod look like this


very similar eh . lol

[QUOTE=Jay]Aaaaand I just got back from shopping with a Mole Pod.
I mostly got it for the Terra-Viper, whom I will use as a Cobra infantry commander... I guess the Mole Pod can be his personal attack vehicle.[/QUOTE]

Da Talent
07-21-2009, 01:59 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Aaaaand I just got back from shopping with a Mole Pod.
I mostly got it for the Terra-Viper, whom I will use as a Cobra infantry commander... I guess the Mole Pod can be his personal attack vehicle.[/QUOTE]

I guess SOMEONE out there had to want a Terra-viper.

07-21-2009, 03:55 PM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]I guess SOMEONE out there had to want a Terra-viper.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. And that's me.

But I'm not using the toy as a Terra-Viper, I'm using it as a single character. With his size and overall look he actually works great as a Cobra character I'd been meaning to make myself but couldn't get inspired in terms of parts.

07-22-2009, 05:57 PM
Greetings mortals!

Bought the following:

Resolute 5 pack (CC, Duke, black BAT, red trooper, red officer)
ROC Helix
ROC Hawk (don't really like)
ROC Ice-Viper
ROC Flash
ROC Crimson Neo-Viper
ROC Elite Viper
ROC PIT Commando
Crimson Hydra (with aero-viper)

Black Knight
07-22-2009, 07:17 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Yeah. And that's me.

But I'm not using the toy as a Terra-Viper, I'm using it as a single character. With his size and overall look he actually works great as a Cobra character I'd been meaning to make myself but couldn't get inspired in terms of parts.[/QUOTE]

he's Croc-Master repainted... I have no desire to have another Croc-Master, repaint or not, one is enough.

On another note... bought the "Ice Saber" today... pics are to come soon, but I've been quite busy packing.

07-22-2009, 08:03 PM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]he's Croc-Master repainted... I have no desire to have another Croc-Master, repaint or not, one is enough.[/QUOTE]
Actually, his arms and legs come from Serpentor, which gives him a taller, more imposing frame.

According to the package, he was originally intended to be entirely made from Serpentor with Croc Master's head, but Hasbro seems to have changed their mind (probably because they had nothing to replace Serpy's skirt with).

07-24-2009, 09:53 AM
Elite Viper
Pit Commando(2)!

Almost picked up the Crimson Neo-Viper, but passed. The Pit Commando is awesome! The gear alone makes it worthwhile.

07-24-2009, 10:18 AM
Pit Commando(2)!
The Pit Commando is awesome! The gear alone makes it worthwhile.[/QUOTE]

Black Knight
07-24-2009, 11:53 AM
I just bought a Pit Commando and he looks awesome.

neapolitan joe
07-24-2009, 01:23 PM

07-24-2009, 01:39 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Please, Black Knight, post pics of the terrific pit near other classic big vehicles.
...he bought the Pit Commando, the Rise Of Cobra "Greenshirt" (Grayshirt???), not the PIT Headquarters playset.

07-24-2009, 02:59 PM
i'm getting a squad of nano vipers soon (green version of the neo-viper commando

07-24-2009, 05:47 PM
Greetings brief mortals!

Today my glorious armies have grown by the following:

ROC Agent Helix (x2)
ROC Zartan (for use as an MP to compliment the PIT Commandos, not as Zartan.)
ROC PIT Commando
ROC Cover Girl (wanted another laptop)

07-25-2009, 02:51 AM
Last Monday was my fortieth birthday and I got a haul.
F-22 Raptor
Cobra Gunship
2 MagnaGuard Fighters
three T-1 Terminators
A 20th Anni Firebat
and a ROC Cobra Commander

The best part is in another couple weeks, I'll be getting a few more pieces!!!! Took a little of the sting out of turning 40!!!!!

07-25-2009, 05:12 AM
i Picked Up More Roc Figures Yesterday Walked Into Toys R Us For A Paris Se And Walked Out With:
Elite Viper(that's #2 Now)
Firefly (tru Exclusive)
Paris Snake Eyes
Masked Storm Shadow

Urban Saboteur
07-25-2009, 01:37 PM
[QUOTE=Bayer]Last Monday was my fortieth birthday and I got a haul.
F-22 Raptor
Cobra Gunship
2 MagnaGuard Fighters
three T-1 Terminators
A 20th Anni Firebat
and a ROC Cobra Commander

The best part is in another couple weeks, I'll be getting a few more pieces!!!! Took a little of the sting out of turning 40!!!!![/QUOTE]

damn that certainly would take the sting out of any milestone!! :D
The f-22 raptor is cool.

I got these recently..
Zandar, Gnawgahyde, Sagat, Scoop & Avalanche. :)

07-25-2009, 03:47 PM
[QUOTE=Bayer]Last Monday was my fortieth birthday and I got a haul.
F-22 Raptor
Cobra Gunship
2 MagnaGuard Fighters
three T-1 Terminators
A 20th Anni Firebat
and a ROC Cobra Commander

The best part is in another couple weeks, I'll be getting a few more pieces!!!! Took a little of the sting out of turning 40!!!!![/QUOTE]

Welcome to the over 40's club, Bayer! :D

07-26-2009, 07:15 AM
cool stuff I feel happier about turning 30 in 2 years so then cuz I know theres still joe fans out there that still have a joe collection and haven't had there other half's threaten them about getting rid of it :) [QUOTE=Outrider]Welcome to the over 40's club, Bayer! :D[/QUOTE]

Black Knight
07-26-2009, 11:03 AM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]cool stuff I feel happier about turning 30 in 2 years so then cuz I know theres still joe fans out there that still have a joe collection and haven't had there other half's threaten them about getting rid of it :)[/QUOTE]

I feel you man, I turn 30 this year and I still have to deal with "other-half" quite often when it comes to my collection.

Also grabbed two more Ice-Vipers and another Elite Viper.

07-26-2009, 11:56 AM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]I feel you man, I turn 30 this year and I still have to deal with "other-half" quite often when it comes to my collection.

Also grabbed two more Ice-Vipers and another Elite Viper.[/QUOTE]

I don't have an "other-half" yet.. but will be adding her to my collection this December/January. So far she likes the Joe collection I now have and has triggered a creative streak in her as well, but mostly in terms of business.

New additions to the Joe collection:
ROC Baroness (for customs)
SW Princess Leia
25th AWE (was on clearance for $12)

07-26-2009, 03:52 PM
Picked up the cobra gunship and TRU exclusive ROC Firefly for his gear.

The gunship is sweet. I've already bugun converting it into a proper helicopter. Expect pics soon;)

Beast from the east
07-27-2009, 06:27 PM
Found ROC Sgt Stone and Deep Six at a Zellers so I picked them up. I love the camo on D6(repaint of 25th Torpedo)Starting to get a water team of 25th now.

07-27-2009, 10:36 PM

ROC PIT Commando
ROC Helix
ROC Elite Viper

07-28-2009, 12:27 AM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]I feel you man, I turn 30 this year [/QUOTE]

I just turned 32 and with a Wife of 8 years and a kid I have started to feel like the Grumpy old man I always knew I would grow up to be. :(

Urban Saboteur
07-28-2009, 04:15 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Welcome to the over 40's club, Bayer! :D[/QUOTE]

What?? we have an over 40s club here now?? I must join it when I get old.. :o j/K!

I'm very pleased to announce my room is being invaded by Aliens.. in particular an Alien Bounty Hunter!!

Many thanks to my good friend Patrick A. Riley @ yojoe for the assist in getting me him.

07-28-2009, 10:44 PM
I picked up Helix and an Ice Viper yesterday. Most impressive. I had to pass on Flash, Pit Commando, and the ROC EEL cuz I didnt have much cash on me. I would get the Flash and the Commando if I see them again. The EEL was underwhelming.

07-29-2009, 06:54 AM
[QUOTE=ThinkTank]The EEL was underwhelming.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. The ROC EEL leaves a lot lacking. However, the spring loaded canon shooter thing is useful.. it resembles one of those underwater self-propelled things a diver will hold to move around without swimming. But in a way, it also looks like it might have been designed to look like a torpedo. But anyway....

07-29-2009, 12:00 PM
sweet wouldn't mind a deep six. is there wet-down a Roc figure ? sumone said he was let-down but i'm confused did he mean deep-six as they are similar and he himself got confused [QUOTE=Beast from the east]Found ROC Sgt Stone and Deep Six at a Zellers so I picked them up. I love the camo on D6(repaint of 25th Torpedo)Starting to get a water team of 25th now.[/QUOTE]

07-29-2009, 05:22 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]sweet wouldn't mind a deep six. is there wet-down a Roc figure ? sumone said he was let-down but i'm confused did he mean deep-six as they are similar and he himself got confused[/QUOTE]
There is no "Wet-Down".

ROC Wet-Suit is being released as a Target exclusive with that Wave Crusher thing from Spy Troops, but when some factory workers stole samples of the figure they neglected to grab the gear, so they slapped ROC Flash's mask on it, and some people were all "OMG WET-DOWN" or some dumb thing like that.
But ROC Wet-Suit's mold and gear are identical to the ones from the Attack Of Cobra Island 7-pack.

07-29-2009, 10:11 PM
Picked up another complete Maggot/Worms at a good price, going to customize the Maggot, probably in all black to match my v1 Hiss tanks.

07-30-2009, 11:36 PM

ROC Ice Viper (x2)
ROC PIT Commando (x2)
ROC Cobra Elite Viper
ROC Crimson Neo Viper

07-30-2009, 11:46 PM
man were you getting all those ice vipers ? and can i get some :p [QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Greetings!

ROC Ice Viper (x2)
ROC PIT Commando (x2)
ROC Cobra Elite Viper
ROC Crimson Neo Viper[/QUOTE]

07-31-2009, 06:45 AM

07-31-2009, 09:12 AM
Got 3 more Pit Commandos, which brings the total to 5!

Black Knight
07-31-2009, 10:14 AM
Picked up ROC General Hawk and Snake-Eyes w/ Arashikage Cycle.

07-31-2009, 10:39 AM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Picked up Snake-Eyes w/ Arashikage Cycle.[/QUOTE]
That's out already????