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Beast from the east
06-23-2010, 08:42 PM
[QUOTE=giTom]Picked up two translucent Wraith (http://yojoe.com/action/08/wraithvar.shtml) 's at TJ Maxx today! $3.99 each![/QUOTE]
You suck...lol
NIce find.

06-25-2010, 09:26 AM
[QUOTE=Strider1147]What figure?[/QUOTE]
Thor :D

06-25-2010, 09:28 AM
[QUOTE=giTom]Picked up two translucent Wraith (http://yojoe.com/action/08/wraithvar.shtml) 's at TJ Maxx today! $3.99 each![/QUOTE]
That's a deal man! I wish I could find one by that price.

BTW, I got 10 hulkbuster figures at the mail today.

06-25-2010, 09:32 AM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]Thor :D[/QUOTE]


06-27-2010, 06:02 AM
do you need all 10?

[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]That's a deal man! I wish I could find one by that price.

BTW, I got 10 hulkbuster figures at the mail today.[/QUOTE]

Otto the Otter
06-27-2010, 05:36 PM
I just got back from Branson, MO and one advantage to looking in the Wal*Mart in a resort town full of cotton toppers is they don't tend to buy too many Joes. I got RoC Breaker, Scarlett and Zartan for trading and Cover Girl and Sgt Stone for customs. Woulda bought more, but I'd reached my budget of spending money.
If anyone lives in Springfield or nearby and you want to make the the trek, they had a plethora of figures of all lines there.

06-27-2010, 06:48 PM
[QUOTE=Otto the Otter]I just got back from Branson, MO and one advantage to looking in the Wal*Mart in a resort town full of cotton toppers is they don't tend to buy too many Joes. I got RoC Breaker, Scarlett and Zartan for trading and Cover Girl and Sgt Stone for customs. Woulda bought more, but I'd reached my budget of spending money.
If anyone lives in Springfield or nearby and you want to make the the trek, they had a plethora of figures of all lines there.[/QUOTE]

Yea I live by Springfield but I didnt think Branson sold many figures!!!!! Guess where I am going tomorrow!!!

06-27-2010, 06:51 PM
[QUOTE=Otto the Otter]I just got back from Branson, MO and one advantage to looking in the Wal*Mart in a resort town full of cotton toppers is they don't tend to buy too many Joes. I got RoC Breaker, Scarlett and Zartan for trading and Cover Girl and Sgt Stone for customs. Woulda bought more, but I'd reached my budget of spending money.
If anyone lives in Springfield or nearby and you want to make the the trek, they had a plethora of figures of all lines there.[/QUOTE]

Wait....Do they have any 25ths????

Otto the Otter
06-27-2010, 07:39 PM
[QUOTE=Strider1147]Wait....Do they have any 25ths????[/QUOTE]
No, I looked. I don't know if there was a Dollar General or anything like that in town, so they might have 25th, but Wal*Mart only had RoCers.

06-28-2010, 07:27 AM
[QUOTE=Otto the Otter]No, I looked. I don't know if there was a Dollar General or anything like that in town, so they might have 25th, but Wal*Mart only had RoCers.[/QUOTE]

Even the Family Dollars around here dont even have Gi joes....

Agent Viper
06-28-2010, 01:41 PM
Dave Julian hooked me up with a incredible figure! V1 Firefly! WOO!!!

06-28-2010, 04:49 PM
[QUOTE=Agent Viper]Dave Julian hooked me up with a incredible figure! V1 Firefly! WOO!!![/QUOTE]


06-29-2010, 11:34 AM
Just got a 25th Destro at a not so local comic,video game store!!

07-03-2010, 06:47 PM
Just came from TJ Maxx, and got a VAMP and Clutch!!!!!

Otto the Otter
07-03-2010, 07:17 PM
I just got
25th Stalker w/Jetpack
A couple of 25th BATS
Aqua-Viper (yeah, I never heard of him either, he was a throw in with others I bought)
DVD Quick Kick
Keel Haul v1
More Flagg Crewman Custom Fodder
Matt Trakker
Raptor wannabe Zartan
DOCI Mindbender
Resolute Duke with Jetpack
and a bunch excess fodder

07-04-2010, 08:06 AM
[QUOTE=Otto the Otter]I just got
25th Stalker w/Jetpack
A couple of 25th BATS
Aqua-Viper (yeah, I never heard of him either, he was a throw in with others I bought)
DVD Quick Kick
Keel Haul v1
More Flagg Crewman Custom Fodder
Matt Trakker
Raptor wannabe Zartan
DOCI Mindbender
Resolute Duke with Jetpack
and a bunch excess fodder[/QUOTE]


07-05-2010, 02:06 PM
Won this on ebay yesterday!!!! Cant wait till it arrives!!!!

07-05-2010, 03:56 PM
[QUOTE=SIC DETH]Won this on ebay yesterday!!!! Cant wait till it arrives!!!!

You are sooo lucky!! :eek:

07-07-2010, 09:41 AM
I bought yesterday Marvel Universe Bullseye, RoC Accelerator suit Ripcord and Iron Man concept series Deep Dive Armor.

Otto the Otter
07-13-2010, 11:05 AM
I recently scored:
A kick-ass custom made by Chief from JoeCustoms
A kick-ass vehicle to go with said custom
RoC Hawk
DVD Destro
RoC Monkeywrench
RoC Roadblock that came with the Outpost Defender (dude is badass)
Cobra Survelliance Port
Mercenary Wraith
RoC Arctic Shipy (easysimplestuff, he'll be ready for you as soon as I get back home)
RoC Flash, Accelerator Suit Ripocrd, Elite Neo-Viper Desert Ambush Commando guy, Agent Helix, grey camo pony-tail RoC Scarlett and PP Storm Shadow for trade fodder
Terminator A-10 ($11 at TRU on clearance) which I traded off to RogueTiger
Crimson Hydra ($17 at Target on clearance)
A complete Devil Fish
A Killer Whale rebuild starter kit from RogueTiger and pieces for same from Cyko

07-13-2010, 12:13 PM
Just got the 2 Mobile Mech Suits, With kickstart and cyber-viper. (I wish they would have left the mag lock on the Joe one, cause I could have used my modded dragonhawk with it).

ct nightviper
07-15-2010, 04:44 PM
picked up a trubble bubble pack from t5he 25th line for $7 and also found winter soldier and wrecker from the MU line at my comic shop guy also had a bunch of vintage vehicles for me just hasnt had time to bring them out cant wait

07-15-2010, 04:56 PM
can you post a review for them ? I really want that cyber viper

[QUOTE=samsallspark]Just got the 2 Mobile Mech Suits, With kickstart and cyber-viper. (I wish they would have left the mag lock on the Joe one, cause I could have used my modded dragonhawk with it).[/QUOTE]

07-16-2010, 09:14 AM
I have scored 1 Marvel Universe Dare Devil, 1 Venom and 1 Green Goblin from spiderman line.

07-16-2010, 11:30 AM
Good Joe vacation -

Picked up 5 more BATs - 4 from 2 Family Dollars and 1 from TJ Maxx. Now have a total of 15 silver-faced BATs - I think I have a problem!

Also picked up the TRU exc Snow Serpent and another Bench Press from the Daytona Beach TRU - tons still there!

07-16-2010, 01:34 PM
Just got a Gung Ho and Cobra Commander-fred comic pack at tj maxx!!!!

07-16-2010, 04:38 PM
[QUOTE=Strider1147]Just got a Gung Ho and Cobra Commander-fred comic pack at tj maxx!!!![/QUOTE]

TJ Maxx can be a surprising place. I saw several of the Iron Grenadier/Cobra Viper two-packs at assorted TJ's while on vacation. Really wanted them, but just couldn't make the investment into those lame Viper hands!

07-16-2010, 04:51 PM
[QUOTE=giTom]TJ Maxx can be a surprising place. I saw several of the Iron Grenadier/Cobra Viper two-packs at assorted TJ's while on vacation. Really wanted them, but just couldn't make the investment into those lame Viper hands![/QUOTE]
Bro you gona regret it! They are not that bad, plus the price!!!

07-16-2010, 05:13 PM
Found the Ghost Hawk and storm Rider at Wal-Mart! They also have both Mech Suits!

07-16-2010, 08:35 PM
Just got a wraith for 3 bucks at a family dollar!!!!!

07-17-2010, 02:25 AM
I keep looking in the TKmaxx over here and get butkiss... it must only be the american store stocking them . I gotta admit tho the'ir toy dept is always a mess there no structure everythings just piled on the shelf is that the same state side ?

[QUOTE=giTom]TJ Maxx can be a surprising place. I saw several of the Iron Grenadier/Cobra Viper two-packs at assorted TJ's while on vacation. Really wanted them, but just couldn't make the investment into those lame Viper hands![/QUOTE]

07-17-2010, 11:39 AM
Yup it's hit or miss here too

07-17-2010, 05:14 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]I keep looking in the TKmaxx over here and get butkiss... it must only be the american store stocking them . I gotta admit tho the'ir toy dept is always a mess there no structure everythings just piled on the shelf is that the same state side ?[/QUOTE]

Yep. That chain, and a few others similar seem to have the same approach to organization of their toy department. Just stick toys in the toy area, where ever there's space.. if not, pile them.

Otto the Otter
07-19-2010, 02:46 PM
Got a new HISS from TRU (driver is up for trade)
Lady Vypra to drive my Rattler 4WD
25th General Hawk
DVD pack Serpentor
Legacy Slave Leia
And a butt-load of MOC RoC and MOC 25th figures for trading

EDIT:Several of you have inquired about the HISS driver. I go by first come first served (it's only fair), but, I will be aquiring another one here shortly, so two of you can get one from me.

07-20-2010, 10:13 AM
Got my Free Talking Captain Rex Voice Changer helmet yesterday. Much bigger than I thought, might actually fit my melon. But I'm giving it to the baby who'll hopefully enjoy it years from now and years to come.

07-20-2010, 10:46 AM
Went to Marshalls yesterday and picked up a Wraith, a Cobra Bazooka Trooper, and another BAT, and today I went to another Marshalls and picked up another Wraith (neither Wraith is the clear one).
Hopefully the Wraith that I will open wont break the hose things on his arms like the last one I opened. :rolleyes:

07-21-2010, 04:54 PM
Got a PoC Spirit today! Saw the Quick Kicks, too, but was never a fan of the character.

07-21-2010, 05:01 PM
I got from the Iron Man 2 line:

Titanium man;
Crymson Dinamo.

07-22-2010, 05:18 PM
RDS hooked me up with a bunch of 25th figures and a lot of weapons. Thank you Russ.

Traded with Dan Contrino. Smooth transaction, got more than I deserved. Gracias.

07-26-2010, 11:33 AM
Woo Hoo!

Resolute sets in hand today!

Woo Hoo!

Crimson Pilot
07-26-2010, 04:30 PM
I just picked up the remaining G.I. Joes a few days ago (except for 1 25th Major Blood) at the mcfarlane store in Glendale, AZ consisting of 5 Python Patrol Officers that were probably on the peg for about a year easy. He may still be there on the clearance table. They were bought by Todd M for variety but they didnt sell too well at the mark up price but the selection was fantastic- started at $10 then all the 25th went to $7 a few months ago then $4 clearance. odds of them carrying the Joes again isnt very likely i was told by several employees. i saw the prince of persia were only $2 ech too for the small joe scale ones. dont know why they didnt make the girl, she had more screen time than some of the few characters made. there are baseball figs that are Joe size for $5 but i dont think they can be customized very easily.

07-26-2010, 05:43 PM
Got a bunch of guns and Grenades from Maurader John today. Got the Prince of Persia Gate playset for 5 bucks at target and a bucket full of 12" WWII Soildiers of the World figs for 3 bucks each at a consignment sale. Good weekend overall.

Black Knight
07-27-2010, 09:36 PM
Picked up the new AT-AT walker today... review is on the "Review" page.

07-28-2010, 11:27 AM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Picked up the new AT-AT walker today... review is on the "Review" page.[/QUOTE]

Just got a Major Bludd!!!!

07-28-2010, 03:45 PM
OPicked up the POP gate set and Trek Transporter playset(thanks for making me want it D).....

Otto the Otter
07-28-2010, 04:09 PM
Got the score of a lifetime today!

Complete HAL X2
Complete vintage VAMP
Complete vintage Snow Cat with Frostbite
Complete 788 HISS
Complete Wolverine (sans tow cable)
Complete vintage WhrilWind
Complete APC WITH seat belts
JUMP pack set with platform, thing that hangs off the side and jet pack

:eek: :eek: :eek: All of the above for $40 shipped! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Also recieved from Dan-o the Man-o Contrin-o:
25th Crimson Twins
RoC Eel
Snow Serpent
and a few extra goodies

07-28-2010, 05:32 PM
Clearance: ROC Serpent/Snake Armor, Wave Crasher, and Glider. One Leia/Xizor 2 Pack. All for $11.

07-28-2010, 06:26 PM
Score Transformers scout class:

Dune Runner;

Depth Charge;

Dead End.

Those guys are fine, 10cm tall, but very nice to play with. I'm having a great time with my boy playing with this guys.

07-29-2010, 01:37 PM

The Night Ravens were 10 bucks each at Wal-Mart, The Pod and Sharcs were 12.

The two Sharcs are already spoken for :-) hehehe

07-29-2010, 01:52 PM
Picked these up from TRU this Morning!!!!

07-29-2010, 02:12 PM
[QUOTE=SIC DETH]Picked these up from TRU this Morning!!!!

show off :p !!! i want one

07-29-2010, 02:54 PM

The Night Ravens were 10 bucks each at Wal-Mart, The Pod and Sharcs were 12.

The two Sharcs are already spoken for :-) hehehe[/QUOTE]

You must be in Canada (Awesome haul)......

07-29-2010, 03:50 PM
[QUOTE=samsallspark]You must be in Canada (Awesome haul)......[/QUOTE]

You bet, Murder Capitol of Canada, no less :-)

07-29-2010, 07:23 PM
Got my SDCC Slaughter(USA version) from Ebay today.
Also got an 82 clutch mint complete

07-29-2010, 07:24 PM
POC Jungle Assault Duke.

07-30-2010, 12:29 AM
Got back from the field today. Yuma Az in July is unforgiving! Anyway, I arrived to my 4 hiss tanks I ordered from TRU.com, 7 Ninja Vipers from BBTS, and Dan contrino and Otto sent me a bunch of stuff that got mixed up so I don;t know who sent what, but I ended up with some guns, crossbows, a TRU Firefly and a couple of Purple Iron Grenadiers from TRU SRO packs. All in all some awesome stuff...gents you're awesome!

Went to Target and found the figures I have on order from BBTS, POC Duke, Beachhead, Storm Shadow, and found 1 Firefly....so I bought him....the rest I left to warm the pegs! Anyone see any Alley Vipers yet? Also got the new MECHs....the Joe Driver "Kickstart" looks bad ass, but the Cobra mech and driver look terrible! I saw the Ghost Hawk and Doom Cycle and passed....maybe get the Ghost Hawk later....but I don't need a second Lift ticket.....and like the Doom Cycle driver, but the bike is WAS too big! Oh, and while I was gone, Matt sent me a Marvel Universe Wolverine figure! Thanks!

07-30-2010, 01:08 AM
cool stuff sounds you got tons . tho I disagree on the cyber viper mech pilot I love that guy for a repainted kitbash he's not bad . didn't get his mech tho just the driver nor did I get the joe one looking forward to many pics from ya of them

[QUOTE=ender098]Got back from the field today. Yuma Az in July is unforgiving! Anyway, I arrived to my 4 hiss tanks I ordered from TRU.com, 7 Ninja Vipers from BBTS, and Dan contrino and Otto sent me a bunch of stuff that got mixed up so I don;t know who sent what, but I ended up with some guns, crossbows, a TRU Firefly and a couple of Purple Iron Grenadiers from TRU SRO packs. All in all some awesome stuff...gents you're awesome!

Went to Target and found the figures I have on order from BBTS, POC Duke, Beachhead, Storm Shadow, and found 1 Firefly....so I bought him....the rest I left to warm the pegs! Anyone see any Alley Vipers yet? Also got the new MECHs....the Joe Driver "Kickstart" looks bad ass, but the Cobra mech and driver look terrible! I saw the Ghost Hawk and Doom Cycle and passed....maybe get the Ghost Hawk later....but I don't need a second Lift ticket.....and like the Doom Cycle driver, but the bike is WAS too big! Oh, and while I was gone, Matt sent me a Marvel Universe Wolverine figure! Thanks![/QUOTE]

Da Talent
08-01-2010, 12:44 PM
Was cruising around and decided to hit up a tru. Got all da poc wave one figs and vehicles sans the frag viper, err firefly. Awesome vacation!

08-03-2010, 10:23 PM
Picked up a truck load of Figures from a collector getting out of Joes today. Tons of stuff. I will be adding to my trade list in the near future as I bought way to many things that I already had but got it all for a great cheap price. Got 5 Whale hulls with one being 95% complete. All these boxes are filled the the brim with Joes and Vehicles from the 80's.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/rnrhero/4859435158/" title="Car Load of Joes by rnrhero, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4116/4859435158_28e291bddf.jpg" width="500" height="332" alt="Car Load of Joes" /></a>

08-03-2010, 10:55 PM
damn i could really do with an energy effeciant fan !! heheh .nah but the mamba looks nice ;) [QUOTE=rnrhero]Picked up a truck load of Figures from a collector getting out of Joes today. Tons of stuff. I will be adding to my trade list in the near future as I bought way to many things that I already had but got it all for a great cheap price. Got 5 Whale hulls with one being 95% complete. All these boxes are filled the the brim with Joes and Vehicles from the 80's.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/rnrhero/4859435158/" title="Car Load of Joes by rnrhero, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4116/4859435158_28e291bddf.jpg" width="500" height="332" alt="Car Load of Joes" /></a>[/QUOTE]

08-03-2010, 10:58 PM
That fan box is completely filled with missles.

08-04-2010, 12:16 AM
wow thats blatent false advertising I expect I fan when I get one not a box of missiles. lol

let me know if your gona offload that mamba tho . btw the wasn't parts to another mamba ? (i neeed a rotor blade to complete mine)
[QUOTE=rnrhero]That fan box is completely filled with missles.[/QUOTE]

08-04-2010, 02:51 PM
Just got a POC Duke and POC Storm shadow.

08-04-2010, 04:06 PM
[QUOTE=rnrhero]That fan box is completely filled with missles.[/QUOTE]

Definately an efficient fan: can really give you a blast. :-)

08-04-2010, 05:04 PM
4 PoC Alley Vipers. Total of 5. Now I'm done until Wave 2 comes out.

08-05-2010, 03:59 PM
Picked up 10 TRU Crimson Guardsmen, 5 Vipers , got jungle assault Storm Shadow and ordered Poc desert Ripcord.

08-05-2010, 04:33 PM
Bought a pack of gum today, and some M&M's.

08-05-2010, 04:33 PM

And Alley-Viper.

Otto the Otter
08-05-2010, 05:12 PM
Got another PoC HISS, PoC Snow Job (VERY cool), and 25th Para-Viper.

08-05-2010, 05:52 PM
Got my Resolute sets in...not as cool as they looked in the Pics!

Otto the Otter
08-05-2010, 05:57 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Got my Resolute sets in...not as cool as they looked in the Pics![/QUOTE]
I'll be happy to take Destro, Firefly and Stalker off your hands...

Just sayin'

08-05-2010, 07:00 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Got my Resolute sets in...not as cool as they looked in the Pics![/QUOTE]

Maybe I can build you a custom command center for them....Just throwing that out there..........

08-05-2010, 07:59 PM
Got my Avatar RDA Gunship from Frank and by sheer chance found a POC Beachy at Wally world today. :cool:

My Walmart Cousin hooked me up with Cobra Commander Firefly and an Alley Viper. Plus stopped at My local Wally's and found another Alley Viper and it rang up for 3 bucks WOOT WOOT!!!

08-06-2010, 10:50 PM
[QUOTE=rnrhero]Picked up a truck load of Figures from a collector getting out of Joes today. Tons of stuff. I will be adding to my trade list in the near future as I bought way to many things that I already had but got it all for a great cheap price. Got 5 Whale hulls with one being 95% complete. All these boxes are filled the the brim with Joes and Vehicles from the 80's.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/rnrhero/4859435158/" title="Car Load of Joes by rnrhero, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4116/4859435158_28e291bddf.jpg" width="500" height="332" alt="Car Load of Joes" /></a>[/QUOTE]
Found a bunch of cool stuff in these boxes tonight. A Clipboard from the Checkpoint playset, About 12 Deck clips from the Flagg, Some Canadian(I believe) paperwork for mailaways from early 80's, Two pieces of the HQ in a small bag with a letter from hasbro saying they are replacement parts and sorry that they were missing from the original box, and Duck's flag sticker unapplied. Plus to top it off, a set of 6 Oral-B toothbrush's from 1983 with star wars characters on them.

08-07-2010, 06:58 PM
Went to a Family dollar on the way home from Florida and got 2 B.A.T.s, Sgt Bazooka, and Tripwire.

08-10-2010, 03:56 PM
Got some cool stuff at the Canadian Joe Con this past weekend, traded for a wolf and ice viper and dragonfly, got some o-ring guys (figures only 2 for $5, complete for 5 or 6), some accessories I was missing (4 for a dollar and 2 for a dollar), kamakura for $5, the convention set and early bird exclusive, three 2005 comic packs for $20, some vehicle parts for about a dollar each (one flagg part, three night raven, etc.), the new Hama comic 156 and 157, and pictures and autographs with Larry Hama and the voice actor that did Zartan in the 80's cartoon. He even did "A gem of that size answers ALL my questions."

Agent Viper
08-10-2010, 07:27 PM
Thanks to my homie Otto for Falcon!

And I picked up Big Ben at the local Comic Store.

08-10-2010, 08:16 PM
My Walmart Cousin hooked me up with Cobra Commander Firefly and an Alley Viper. Plus stopped at My local Wally's and found another Alley Viper and it rang up for 3 bucks WOOT WOOT!!! [/QUOTE]

Man, I can't find Alley Vipers to save my life! The only way I got the one I have is by buying the 8 pack of figures from BBTS.com

And speaking of my 8 pack, it came in today! Now, what to do with the Extra Cobra Commander I now have? Hmmmmm....anybody hard up for one?

Otto the Otter
08-10-2010, 08:47 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Man, I can't find Alley Vipers to save my life! The only way I got the one I have is by buying the 8 pack of figures from BBTS.com

And speaking of my 8 pack, it came in today! Now, what to do with the Extra Cobra Commander I now have? Hmmmmm....anybody hard up for one?[/QUOTE]
Take him into the Butts with you next time you're at the KD range.

08-10-2010, 09:07 PM
Got those shiny Hall of Heros Vipers. 6 of them

08-10-2010, 09:42 PM
I could use that Cobra Commander!

Black Knight
08-11-2010, 03:22 PM
Picked up another of the new AT-AT's (giving me two now and barely any space left).

Also got two new PoC Alley-Vipers.

08-12-2010, 04:24 PM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Also got two new PoC Alley-Vipers.[/QUOTE]


Black Knight
08-12-2010, 05:35 PM

I found one at TRU and one at Target.

08-12-2010, 06:38 PM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Picked up another of the new AT-AT's (giving me two now and barely any space left)...[/QUOTE]

How much does it cost?

08-12-2010, 06:42 PM
They go for about $100.00 Carlos.... :eek:

08-14-2010, 05:36 PM
Just got back from my local tru. And was SHOCKED at wat I found!!!!! It was the M.A.S.S. dvd pack with stalker, cobra trooper, baroness, and snake eyes!!!! :D

08-14-2010, 06:25 PM
I got me 1 Pathfinder 2000, 1 Space Shot for customs purpose, 1 RoC Iron Grenadier, 1 Human Torch Flame On from Marvel Universe and 1 Iron Monger from IM 2 line.

Black Knight
08-14-2010, 06:46 PM
Picked up PoC Firefly... awesome figure, but just can't see him as a "Firefly". Also got "Jungle Assault"Duke... who is also not really a "Duke" to me. Either way, both are awesome figures.

Otto the Otter
08-17-2010, 03:43 PM
Just picked up PoC Cobra Commander for trade fodder

Two more 25th VAMPs

an Armoured Panther for custom fodder

a 25th Armadillo

Four wrong headed, no web gear having green shirts for trade fodder. Their fig stand actually read "G.I. JDE Trooper" Nice QC guys, nothing like a mass productoin of wrongly spelling the name of the entire line ....

Some guy with 25th Gung Ho's legs and bare torso and a different head all the bare skin is camo painted can't ID him yet, he's cool but missing his forearms.

Hulk Buster HMMWV and PP Baroness from our own Fancsis J. Ender

A couple of PoC HISSes

Weather Dominator

25th FLAK cannon

Two different versions of 25th Serpentor (air chariot and DVD) that I melded into one good version, along with his Air Chariot.

PoC Snow Job and Spirit, all kinds of beyond awesome these guys are.

Clone Wars Aurra Sing for custom fodder. She's pretty bad ass and I wish ME Joe torsos were as easy to take apart as hers.

SDCC Destro pack

SDCC USA Sgt Slaughter, still on the fence if I want to trade him or keep him.

Resolute Destro and Firefly

08-18-2010, 04:14 AM
thats a lotta stuff .
btw .that gung-ho guy sounds like a custom ? I don't remember any joes from the 25th line having painted torso camo ,

[QUOTE=Otto the Otter]Just picked up PoC Cobra Commander for trade fodder

Two more 25th VAMPs

an Armoured Panther for custom fodder

a 25th Armadillo

Four wrong headed, no web gear having green shirts for trade fodder. Their fig stand actually read "G.I. JDE Trooper" Nice QC guys, nothing like a mass productoin of wrongly spelling the name of the entire line ....

Some guy with 25th Gung Ho's legs and bare torso and a different head all the bare skin is camo painted can't ID him yet, he's cool but missing his forearms.

Hulk Buster HMMWV and PP from our own Fancis J. Ender

A couple of PoC HISSes

Weather Dominator

25th FLAK cannon

Two different versions of 25th Serpentor (air chariot and DVD) that I melded into one good version, along with his Air Chariot.

PoC Snow Job and Spirit, all kinds of beyond awesome these guys are.

Clone Wars Aurra Sing for custom fodder. She's pretty bad ass and I wish ME Joe torsos were as easy to take apart as hers.

SDCC Destro pack

SDCC USA Sgt Slaughter, still on the fence if I want to trade him or keep him.

Resolute Destro and Firefly[/QUOTE]

08-18-2010, 07:10 AM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]I got me Space Shot for customs purpose...[/QUOTE]

I know who are you making ;)

08-18-2010, 07:19 AM
*gasp! So that's where my Gung Ho went!


08-18-2010, 08:15 AM
in my collection news Dano hooked me up with tons of neato stuff . including more Blues !!! Neo's and MaRS !! A-team van and SkyHawk. plus others .
cheers dude hope your stuff is there soon.
also managed to pick up an AT-AT whoooooooooohoooooooooo itsa awesome. lol
thos costly it was €150 so about $192. !!! but hey thats pretty much buying from ebay and shipping woulda prob cost me .

08-22-2010, 09:46 PM
Just got back from visiting my Cousin in Az. She got me some trade fodder; 2 Eels and 3 BATs from Family Dollar. I stopped by the old FD to see if they had anymore goodies and ran into some series 2 Avatar figures and got Jake Sully in wheelchair (With Long Hair), Pvt. Fike in mask and Parker Selfridge. I also got to stop by and visit with Otto face-to-face and b.s. for a few and he hooked me up with a few BATS, a ninja Viper, A PTE Buggy, an ARAH Jump and some guns! Had I known he was just around the corner from my cousin, I could have taken him some goodies! Oh, well.....now I know......;)

08-22-2010, 09:59 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Just got back from visiting my Cousin in Az. She got me some trade fodder; 2 Eels and 3 BATs from Family Dollar. I stopped by the old FD to see if they had anymore goodies and ran into some series 2 Avatar figures and got Jake Sully in wheelchair (With Long Hair), Pvt. Fike in mask and Parker Selfridge. I also got to stop by and visit with Otto face-to-face and b.s. for a few and he hooked me up with a few BATS, a ninja Viper, A PTE Buggy, an ARAH Jump and some guns! Had I known he was just around the corner from my cousin, I could have taken him some goodies! Oh, well.....now I know......;)[/QUOTE]

there was wave 2 avatar figures ?

08-23-2010, 03:57 PM
Marvel Universe figures arrived today:

Captain America;
Absorbing man;
Winter Soldier;
Iron Patriot.

08-23-2010, 05:37 PM
Picked up a couple Avatar figures today. They'll make good civilians or background folks.

Black Knight
08-24-2010, 02:15 PM
Picked up PoC Beachhead and Snake-Eyes... its wierd seeing SE's eyes... just don't feel right about it.

08-27-2010, 04:15 PM
Got the Iron Man "Fury of Battle" set with 2 ground attack drones, Iron Man and Nick Fury! (Only got it for the Fury figure, but the drones are kinda cool!) Anyone need a 3 3/4 inch Iron man figure?

08-28-2010, 09:30 PM
GOt lucky tonight! Scored 5 Jungle Vipers, Dusty and Recondo. WhooooT

08-28-2010, 10:38 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]GOt lucky tonight! Scored 5 Jungle Vipers, Dusty and Recondo. WhooooT[/QUOTE]
Not bad. Here is what I found...
http://i484.photobucket.com/albums/rr209/Autobot_Goldbug/Joes/th_IMG_0899.jpg (http://i484.photobucket.com/albums/rr209/Autobot_Goldbug/Joes/IMG_0899.jpg)
I only picked up the ones which were not plentiful. Left the other wave 2 for some other day.

08-29-2010, 01:30 PM
[QUOTE=Goldbug]Not bad. Here is what I found...
http://i484.photobucket.com/albums/rr209/Autobot_Goldbug/Joes/th_IMG_0899.jpg (http://i484.photobucket.com/albums/rr209/Autobot_Goldbug/Joes/IMG_0899.jpg)
I only picked up the ones which were not plentiful. Left the other wave 2 for some other day.[/QUOTE]
Never heard about a Iron Patriot with Norman Osborn head. Is it a variant figure? I've two wishes in the Marvel figures: Tony Stark without armor and Norman Osborn without armor.

I got:
1 Doctor Rex;
1 Heavy Duty ARAH v1;
1 Airtight ARAH v1;
4 Neo Vipers RoC.

09-08-2010, 08:21 PM
FINALLY got the TRU Quick Kick HIII YA! And Spirit in gunna kick some preadator butt..yay.

09-09-2010, 01:50 PM
Got one poc zartan finally. And also got a artic threat storm shadow, roc I think.

09-12-2010, 12:33 PM
Gotta love Wal Mart. Got the POC Destro, Recondo, and Dusty. Going back for Jungle Vipers and both POC Snake Eyes...

09-13-2010, 02:15 PM
Got a few things while on vacation... Doctor Who Mel figure MOC, a T.A.R.G.E.T. and a hardtop figure. Also got some 12in Cowboy Cloths MOC from the late 60's for $2 and my uncle game me 4 cube display cases that stack on each other and 3 more I had to leave at my moms house in IL until I can go back up this winter and get them. Also found my fathers D70 Nikon camera that I can use as a back up now. Not a bad week.

09-16-2010, 10:26 AM
got a few things in the mail and bought a few nice items.
first off 17 crimson neo-vipers with custom weapons became mine.
another poc Hiss driver (thanks Otto)
got the K-mart Duke and H-duty (wanted extra dessert troops)
gona get a few more rescue mission Dukes for green shirts
got a SW Snowtrooper
found me a Laser Dr X from Action man.
also picked up a 1/6 Dr Who Cyberman.
MU Iron spiderman
IM2 ultimates Iron-man
MU House of M Spiderman
MU Thor.
MU black widow (not to fond of her look tbh)
I got all this awesome stuff . and lost my camera !! which sucks so it means no pic uploads from my for a while !!

Black Knight
09-16-2010, 03:24 PM
My latest grabs...

Jungle Viper (X's 2)
Alley Viper

Marvel Universe

Star Trek
Voyager (using it for my dio)

09-16-2010, 03:41 PM
I got three Chap Mei/Soldier Force figures for custom purpose and from my friend Adriano Gatilho I got Red Spot, a custom Blaster, a SEAL in dive suit from Unimax, some parts of a Joe playset and a Hot Wheels car.

09-19-2010, 04:39 PM
Got one Emile from Halo reach. Pretty good figure. Just a little to big to join my Joe's ranks.

09-20-2010, 08:27 PM
Picked up x2 each at Ross. Stinger,Arctic Hiss,Flak/Claw today!!!

09-21-2010, 11:46 AM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]Picked up x2 each at Ross. Stinger,Arctic Hiss,Flak/Claw today!!![/QUOTE]

What state are you in?

09-21-2010, 07:07 PM

09-25-2010, 11:49 PM
My Wife picked me up a Arctic Hiss, Stinger jeep and a Flak/Glider set from Ross!

09-26-2010, 10:50 AM
WOW! That's a helluva haul! :p

09-26-2010, 11:48 AM
I got me the new PTE building, the one is sand colors. Very good playset.

Black Knight
09-26-2010, 07:30 PM
Picked up a PoC HISS Tank and Mystique from MU... both are really cool, but the Tank is getting a repaint as soon as I have a day off.

09-27-2010, 11:13 AM
Finally found a TRU Quick Kick on Friday. I'll post a pic of him in a bit.

09-27-2010, 05:29 PM
Got the POC Duke, POC Snowjob, Cobra Fury and POC Vamp...

09-28-2010, 04:39 AM
Where did you get the Fury and POC Vamp? Are they cool? Gonna do a review?

[QUOTE=seamusharper]Got the POC Duke, POC Snowjob, Cobra Fury and POC Vamp...[/QUOTE]

09-29-2010, 01:03 PM
I bought a Cobra Gunship, Steel Crusher for me and my son asked for a Mole Pod.

09-30-2010, 07:45 PM
Nobody has reviewed them yet? Sure, give me a day or two. Ordered em off a website...

10-02-2010, 05:18 PM
Just found Kamakura & Nano Viper @ Marshall's - $5.99 each. Cool! Have never seen @ regular retail. ROC figures & vehicles showing up @ Marshall's, TJ Maxx, Ross.

10-02-2010, 08:27 PM
nice score gi tom!! heres mine and two bats!!

10-04-2010, 12:38 PM
I found the kamakura and white rex (didn't buy that one) at tj maxx for 7.99. Ouch.

10-04-2010, 01:27 PM
Cyko hooked me up with so much needed CROC MASTER head and some other parts for customs. Gracias!!!

10-05-2010, 04:19 PM
6 Desert ambush Dukes for customizing, 7 more Our war figs, 1 Roc MP Battlepack with Footloose and Zartan and 1 M113 APC Tan from motorworks because I was jealous of Starfighter's. That will be it for quite a while.

10-11-2010, 02:15 PM
Picked up an Arctic Extreme Conditions set at Marshalls.

10-11-2010, 08:52 PM
I love Big Lots:


The cashier gave me a 20% off coupon too since I didn't get the e mail for it.

10-12-2010, 06:05 AM
Does that kamakura say 4.99? It was 8.99 at tj maxx.

10-13-2010, 03:48 AM
[QUOTE=turner]Does that kamakura say 4.99? It was 8.99 at tj maxx.[/QUOTE]

It was $5.99. I was tempted to take a $4.99 figure up there and ask them to price match it since they were the same but since it was $1 I didn't want to be a pain.

10-13-2010, 05:42 AM
[QUOTE=MAJOR BLOOD]It was $5.99. I was tempted to take a $4.99 figure up there and ask them to price match it since they were the same but since it was $1 I didn't want to be a pain.[/QUOTE]

That's better than 8.99 for sure. I was able to get one for 5 bucks at the canadian convention, which I was very surprised to see.

Speaking of which, I saw your review on the convention set, the only review of it I've seen.

10-13-2010, 11:29 PM
[QUOTE=turner]That's better than 8.99 for sure. I was able to get one for 5 bucks at the canadian convention, which I was very surprised to see.

Speaking of which, I saw your review on the convention set, the only review of it I've seen.[/QUOTE]

I was surprised that nobody did one on it. Seems that the convention sets don't get much love. I'm glad you guys helped out though. I did not check any info on it and it was nice to get accurate details to make it at least worth checking. My main goal was pictures for those that would not get one.

$5 for a Kamakura is great! Especially at a convention. I hear the Canadian convention is more fun than Joe Con. Sounds like it is more interactive to the fans. I don't know since I've never been to one. :(

10-14-2010, 05:50 AM

10-14-2010, 10:03 AM
my latest acquisitions weren't joe but SW and Indiana jones stuff . I got the amazing BMF (falcon) and B-wing and Dash rendars outrider. plus figures wise I got old Ben, R2-d2 ,2010 3po. K-3po 4-Lom , boba fett, 2010 Dengar and joker squad squidface leader. also on the way are 2010 Grevoius ,rebel pilot pack(needed the b-wing pilot) and the SW Unleashed pack .

in regards to other figures I got indiana jones lot from ebay with Mola Ram. Willie , short round, 4 various Indiana's , Temple guard and the big guy with the wip. from temple of doom.

10-14-2010, 11:15 AM
Just got a bunch of PTE stuff and the Tunnel Rat/Storm Shadow comic pack at BIg Lots and another PoC Recondo and Jungle Duke. Wanted to make a non-hunchback, more jungle style Recondo.

10-15-2010, 07:40 AM
Got a 1:18 Blue Thunder Helicopter. Thanks to Carlos aka Rambo for the tip!!

10-15-2010, 09:26 AM
[QUOTE=rds13601]Got a 1:18 Blue Thunder Helicopter. Thanks to Carlos aka Rambo for the tip!![/QUOTE]
Didn't knew about that toy.

10-15-2010, 07:33 PM
Got a bunch of stuff at NYCC including the limited X-Force Archangel, a couple RIA Ripcords, an Ice Viper, Tunnel Rat Storm Shadow comic pack, a MU Punisher, 2 DC exclusive white Green Lanterns, and a few other things I'm forgetting about.

10-19-2010, 01:46 PM
Yeah Bowy!!! I now have these to open!!!

10-19-2010, 04:48 PM
Finally got a City Strike Snake Eyes at Marshalls!!! :D

10-20-2010, 10:37 AM
Saw the city strike se for 4.99 at tj maxx last night. Scored a clear wraith on Monday.

10-21-2010, 10:50 PM
Since I'm in Afghanistan, it's hard to score...but my Wife Kris went to a TRU express last night and scored me another Arctic Hiss and a Stinger Jeep! Whooohooo!

10-22-2010, 08:18 AM
[QUOTE=SIC DETH]Yeah Bowy!!! I now have these to open!!!
that is an awesome find. Kamakura would look better in green, but still, awesome looking figure (never actually seen it in person tho). I gotta check TJMaxx now haha.

10-24-2010, 01:13 PM
Picked up another BeachHead for custom stuff - had a Stormshadow stand. I'm on to you, you sneaky ninja!

10-27-2010, 02:11 PM
Picked up a total of 4 hiss and 4 stingers in less than a 24hr period!!

10-30-2010, 04:30 AM
this is possible one of the top ten days of my life.
a new toy store opned in my city today.
i live in the cold snowy north of sweden and there is no way to buy gijoe other then online auctions or websites that overcharge me about 200% and then have huge shipping costs.

i walk into the starwars area and what do i see? GIJOE!!
i havent seen it in a store since i was a kid.

i emptied the shelf....i really actually did..i bought everything they had..and it was like the price of just the shipping for me!!

i scored the cobra gunship a steel crusher and a nightbird and it a dreamlike psyhosis begged the owner to take in everything he can.

im feeling so happy im woozy.
im gonna make that owner rich.

10-31-2010, 10:05 PM
[QUOTE=dracconian]this is possible one of the top ten days of my life.
a new toy store opned in my city today.
i live in the cold snowy north of sweden and there is no way to buy gijoe other then online auctions or websites that overcharge me about 200% and then have huge shipping costs.

i walk into the starwars area and what do i see? GIJOE!!
i havent seen it in a store since i was a kid.

i emptied the shelf....i really actually did..i bought everything they had..and it was like the price of just the shipping for me!!

i scored the cobra gunship a steel crusher and a nightbird and it a dreamlike psyhosis begged the owner to take in everything he can.

im feeling so happy im woozy.
im gonna make that owner rich.[/QUOTE]

That is sooo Awesome! I'm happy for ya. When I get back to the States (I'm in Afghanistan right now) Let me know what ya need and I'll see if I cant help ya out some time!

10-31-2010, 10:10 PM
My wife stopped at a TJ Maxx, and scored me a Desert 7 pack, 2 snarler Cycles (gonna use the figures for Customs) 2 mole Pods, a Rex in white Lab coat, and a few IG/ Viper Comic two packs.

Check it out;


11-01-2010, 02:18 PM
Can you say POC Beachhead?!?!?! Finally got one from walgreens!!! :D

11-04-2010, 06:50 PM
Scored a HOH Viper and HOH SE and a red masked cobra trooper..The last few I got had a black mask but the package showed a red mask?? Whats up with that?

Black Knight
11-04-2010, 08:44 PM
Picked up a few things these past couple weeks...

RoC Pitt Commando (X's 2)
PoC Alley Viper
PoC Jungle Viper

IM2 Warmachine (X's 2)
IM2 Nick Fury

MU Wrecker
MU Thanos
MU Dr. Doom
MU Absorbing Man

SW AT-AT Commander

And also got some even cooler news... We're having a baby... she's 11 weeks along and we got to see the ultrasound pics this past Tuesday. This is her first kid and my second. So all in all its been an interesting past few weeks.

11-05-2010, 08:56 AM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]Scored a HOH Viper and HOH SE and a red masked cobra trooper..The last few I got had a black mask but the package showed a red mask?? Whats up with that?[/QUOTE]

Where'd you find the black masked troopers? They seem to be harder to find.

11-07-2010, 01:02 AM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Picked up a few things these past couple weeks...

RoC Pitt Commando (X's 2)
PoC Alley Viper
PoC Jungle Viper

IM2 Warmachine (X's 2)
IM2 Nick Fury

MU Wrecker
MU Thanos
MU Dr. Doom
MU Absorbing Man

SW AT-AT Commander

And also got some even cooler news... We're having a baby... she's 11 weeks along and we got to see the ultrasound pics this past Tuesday. This is her first kid and my second. So all in all its been an interesting past few weeks.[/QUOTE]

Nice haul and congratulations BN!

11-07-2010, 04:17 PM
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/16612544@N03/5155205124/" title="Toyshow Haul! by scarrviper, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1423/5155205124_028ea9c363_z.jpg" width="640" height="490" alt="Toyshow Haul! " /></a>

11-07-2010, 04:51 PM
Sweet haul Kurt. Where did you get em?

11-08-2010, 06:16 PM
Got one POC Quick Kick and one POC Billy, I mean, oh forget it. :D

11-10-2010, 05:09 PM
Found them at marshalls.Found two red ninjas the other day too

11-22-2010, 12:51 PM
got 25th tripwire,roc destro and stormshadow 25th in a red cape.

11-22-2010, 05:46 PM
Wifey surprised me with the ROC Snarler Cycle, Sky Sweeper, and Mantis she found for $7.00ea at Ross :cool:

Black Knight
11-22-2010, 09:21 PM
Picked up two more PoC Alley-Vipers... bringing my total to 7.

11-23-2010, 08:54 AM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Picked up two more PoC Alley-Vipers... bringing my total to 7.[/QUOTE]

Just picked up 2 more from Walmart using the 2 for $10.99 ad from TRU. I'm up to 5 now.

Switching the gear over to red Resolute troopers. Look much, much better!

Gotta' figure out what to do w/ the original AV bodies.

11-27-2010, 02:21 PM
I picked up my 17th single-carded BAT today. I think I've only bought 2 of them at regular retail. All the rest have been either $3.00 or $3.99.

I'm BAT-$hit crazy, I guess.

Black Knight
11-27-2010, 10:08 PM

I'm BAT-$hit crazy, I guess.[/QUOTE]


11-28-2010, 07:48 AM
I got a Chap Mei V-22 Osprey from Bartus. Thanks man! :D :D :D

Black Knight
11-28-2010, 07:33 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]I got a Chap Mei V-22 Osprey from Bartus. Thanks man! :D :D :D[/QUOTE]

I want pics!!!

12-04-2010, 07:32 AM
[QUOTE=giTom]I picked up my 17th single-carded BAT today. I think I've only bought 2 of them at regular retail. All the rest have been either $3.00 or $3.99.

I'm BAT-$hit crazy, I guess.[/QUOTE]

Picked up 3 more single card BATs & 1 Hall of Heroes BAT. I'm deranged...

Plus the MARS trooper set - $6.99 @ Ross and the GI Joe Monopoly game for $12.00.

Black Knight
12-04-2010, 11:20 AM
Found "World War Hulk" at work last night, so I naturally bought him, but I'm not sure if I'm keeping him or not... he's cool, but he just doesn't fit in my "world".

12-04-2010, 09:33 PM
Picked up the Defiant complex today. Missing a couple pieces but nothing I cant find easy. Except for the mic. :(

Black Knight
12-16-2010, 04:08 PM
Got 3 more PoC Alley Vipers, bringing my total to 10... and stopping there. I figure 10 AVs is a good number for army building.

Otto the Otter
12-16-2010, 05:32 PM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Got 3 more PoC Alley Vipers, bringing my total to 10... and stopping there. I figure 10 AVs is a good number for army building.[/QUOTE]
10 is good for Alley Vipers, but for Viper Pit Vipers or Blue Shirts, there is no limit.

And like gitom, my arm was twisted by Footloose, so I bought a couple of BATs and some night Watch Troopers off of him and getting a couple of BATs from Ender for whom I scored four Alley Vipers, plus one from RDS.

General Jones
12-17-2010, 09:24 PM
Received 3 89 Alley Vipers and a Python Patrol Copperhead from sgcaper. Thanks a lot!!

Otto the Otter
12-21-2010, 12:21 AM
Had a nice little haul this week...
(Why I like being out on the road...when I come home, it's like Christmas for me at the post office!)

25th Stinger, missing the AK-47 though. GRRR! But it was an $8.00 score, so I can't complain.

Comic Pack Rock & Roll, coz 25th R&R just ain't doin' it for me (stupid Duke arms!)

RoC Heavy Duty in green camo, been watching the movie quite a bit lately and decided he should join my other heavy gunners, just need a better mini-gun for him.

Complete Rampart, was glad to find another squid to add to my Navy forces/ Flagg crew

"Are You Metal" single CD by Helloween...oh wait, that ain't Joe related, just kick A.S.P. music!

RoC Desert Ambush Duke for a custom

RoC green Pit Commando for a custom

A-Team Murdock for a custom

RoC Copperhead for a custom

Buncha awesome stuff from Slayer Design Studio for, you guessed it, customs!

Five Alley Vipers, a Jungle Viper, and a bunch of gear for trade fodder to one Mr. Gunny Franklin J. Ender. These guys are pretty cool. May have to take some shots of them before I send them off...

12-23-2010, 01:15 PM
I got my v. 12 Baroness from Sic Deth and two FLAKS and an arctic HISS driver from ebay today. merry christmas to me.

12-23-2010, 08:03 PM
Just ordered a techdeck street tour Hollywood High from Target for $6.98
This One!! (http://www.target.com/Street-Tour-Hollywood-High-Set/dp/B001SOSMKM/ref=sc_pd_gwb_3_title)

12-25-2010, 09:55 AM
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/16612544@N03/5290098355/" title="Christmas Haul 2010! by scarrviper, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5204/5290098355_d34dffcd0a_z.jpg" width="640" height="229" alt="Christmas Haul 2010!" /></a>

Plus a new camera!

12-25-2010, 12:14 PM
those gammorean figures are awesome !!!!

[QUOTE=Scarrviper]<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/16612544@N03/5290098355/" title="Christmas Haul 2010! by scarrviper, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5204/5290098355_d34dffcd0a_z.jpg" width="640" height="229" alt="Christmas Haul 2010!" /></a>

Plus a new camera![/QUOTE]

12-26-2010, 12:05 PM
Latest goodies -

3rd set of MARS trooper set (Ross - $5.99)

Hall of Heroes BAT - cool, but accy's are rubber, too soft

New GHOST Hawk - very cool! (regular price - not clearanced after Christmas)

Mech Suits -
GI Joe Steel Marauder
Cobra Deviant
Clearanced - $9.50 each at Walmart!

and GI Joe Monoploy for the WIN!

Da Talent
12-26-2010, 11:08 PM
[QUOTE=Scarrviper]<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/16612544@N03/5290098355/" title="Christmas Haul 2010! by scarrviper, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5204/5290098355_d34dffcd0a_z.jpg" width="640" height="229" alt="Christmas Haul 2010!" /></a>

Plus a new camera![/QUOTE]

I am straight up, stank nasty jealous over those green headhunters... I want a squad of those so bad......

12-27-2010, 09:16 AM
1 25th snowserpent and a roc flash.
really didnt like the quality of the flash ,really crappy.

Black Knight
12-28-2010, 03:38 PM
For XMas i got an 80's headquarters, vintage packed 4-Lom and vintage packed Dengar... the figures are really cool.

12-28-2010, 04:10 PM
Got 3 Shock Troopers and a POC Snake Eyes....PLaus some dope O'ring figs from DreadnokDread on a trade ;)

12-30-2010, 08:35 PM
Found some cool stuff at a Flea Market today. Funskool Red Dog, General hawk, Toxo Viper, Countdown, and Dodger. Also Picked up a He-Man vs Superman TRU pack today. My 4 year old got me the 16 figure SS German box set that came out a couple years ago that was on Smalljoes.com for ever. And I got some cool camera lighting stuff for christmas. Overall, a good week.

LT Shipwreck
01-04-2011, 07:59 PM
Before the Holidays I was able to piece together the 25th Hall of Heroes collection for under retail pricing! Also picked up another POC Alley Viper, and Cobra Commander. I also got Congress to un-mothball the USS FLAGG, currently being towed via UPS tugs across country. She'll be going into a long work period to get her up and steaming again! Looking forward to posting some shots in the future.

01-05-2011, 03:32 AM
been a lil slow on the joe side . mainly getting SW. got 12 x wing pilots and elite ice viper (i dig the colours i want more ) another shock-trooper. the awesome Fury from Cyko. cheers mate. A1 tanker there. also been getting Jabba's palace goons .but modern versions . and a few Tf's including Generations Jazz, tracks and outback.

Black Knight
01-07-2011, 12:38 AM
Picked up the new PoC "Ultimate" Snake Eyes and he is quite awesome... also got Sandstorm w/ Bike and Zuckuss.... I'm still hunting IG-88 and Bossk, then my bounty hunter collection will be complete.

Black Knight
01-09-2011, 04:44 PM
Just picked up Ironman 2 Comic series "Whiplash"... he's really cool, but his arms lack full mobility, the gauntlets are too large... pics coming soon. Also picked up an IM2 Air-Drone.

01-10-2011, 03:38 PM
Just stopped by TJ Maxs and got one roc stormshadow (for custom), one night adder, and one Hall of Heros commado Snake Eyes. :D

Da Talent
01-12-2011, 11:25 AM
Went home for lunch and had LowLight, Shadow Tracker, Money Bags Destro, and skydive waiting for me. Needless to say, my lunch break flew by.

Roland da Thompson Gunner
01-12-2011, 03:16 PM
[QUOTE=Da Talent]Went home for lunch and had LowLight, Shadow Tracker, Money Bags Destro, and skydive waiting for me. Needless to say, my lunch break flew by.[/QUOTE]

Jajajaja (See what I did there!) I got Low-Light and Money Bags Destro today too. I would've picked up Skydive but Hasbro was racist and didn't make him the best G.I. Joe of all, Black Ripcord.

I picked up a second Destro and Low-Light for my hermano Blackblast!

Agent Viper
01-12-2011, 04:18 PM
V1 Outback? Woo!

01-12-2011, 05:43 PM
Today I stopped by TJ Maxx. I picked up a Rip Attack Tiger Snake. The best $2.00 bucks I spent in along time!!! A Skysweeper with Air Raid for $5.00 and a RoC Tommy A. head sculpt Arctic Assault SS, that Im gona use to make a John Rambo custom for $3.00!!! Combined total of $10.80 with tax. Great haul IMO. :)

01-15-2011, 01:01 PM
Stopped by Target today and got 1 ''Nomad'' crysis 2 figure, 1 ''Alcatraz'' crysis 2 figure, and 1 new Poc Duke...the one with the huge ''plasma'' cannons. :D A pretty good haul.

01-17-2011, 08:33 AM
Picked up the new Vamp at Ross for $11.99! :D Sweet! :D

01-20-2011, 08:37 AM
got my small joes order and im very happy never belivied i could get these figs!

25th Anniv. Torch
25th Anniv. Ripper
25th Anniv. Cobra Anti-Armor Trooper
25th Anniv. Baroness
25th Anniv. Serpentor
GI JOE 25th Anniv. 2-pack Destro / Iron Grenadier.

im happy !

Reverend Blood
01-21-2011, 06:39 PM
Stopped by target on the way home from class to see if they'd stocked any more shock troopers. No such luck on that front, but they did have a (somewhat) fresh wave 1 restock and I got two jungle vipers! Bringing my total to 3

01-24-2011, 05:31 PM
Picked up a 2009 Comic Con Destro set for about $28 :)

01-26-2011, 05:57 PM
Just recieved my POC Firefly... finally! off of ebay... couldnt find him in stores and my star wars pre vizsla figure from ebay as well. :D

Reverend Blood
01-27-2011, 12:23 PM
I'm going to regret posting this, because if anyone has missed out on the opportunity to troop build, this is a great set, but after fighting and arguing with the wife i finally broke her down enough to get her permission toget this:
ZOMG there goes half of my 2011 joe budget (http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=HAS19775&mode=retail&picture=out)

And if any of my fellow DIOers are looking to troop build, or couldn't find any to begin with, this looks like a great box to pick up.
I'm honestly surprised that the price wasn't inflated a bit on this because it doubles up the troopers.

01-27-2011, 12:54 PM
Ha you think thats bad look what I preordered


I dunno if I'll be able to even afford it !!

[QUOTE=Reverend Blood]I'm going to regret posting this, because if anyone has missed out on the opportunity to troop build, this is a great set, but after fighting and arguing with the wife i finally broke her down enough to get her permission toget this:
ZOMG there goes half of my 2011 joe budget (http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=HAS19775&mode=retail&picture=out)

And if any of my fellow DIOers are looking to troop build, or couldn't find any to begin with, this looks like a great box to pick up.
I'm honestly surprised that the price wasn't inflated a bit on this because it doubles up the troopers.[/QUOTE]

Reverend Blood
01-28-2011, 06:57 AM
You have my respect man. Good luck.

I can say with 100% certainty that buying that set would cost me my marriage.

Good thing it's not a ME Iron Grenadier set :p

Reverend Blood
02-04-2011, 08:31 AM
So... I went to sign the MOUNTAIN of paperwork our loan company needed to start processing our home loan, and their office was really far out on the edge of town. I decided to do some JOe hunting in the area since i'm never out that far. I stopped at two stores and grabbed a pretty decent bounty.

First I found a nearly untapped Marshall's (or T.J. Maxx, i don't remember and they're both the same) where I picked up a Trouble Bubble / RAM cycle 2 pack (my second set and the TB is missing one of it's tubes, but I couldn't resist 2 figs and 2 vehicles at $5), a 25th Scarlett, Mutt & Junkyard, a 25th cobra RPG trooper, a ROC accelerator suit "Duke" and a hall of heroes Crimson Guard. Then I stopped at a Ross on the way back, and sadly still no Range Viper or Urban TB pack... but I did pick up a ROC Neo Viper, and a tunnel rat / monkey wrench 2-pack. (which means I now have a tunnel rat for trade :p )

I know this is old hat for most of you, but I was trapped as an army trainee when the 25th line rolled into the RoC line, so I missed out on a LOT of modern era joes. So now I have some holes filled in my lineups.

Agent Viper
02-04-2011, 11:04 AM
Wow man nice find!

A package came in today that I payed 50 dollars for, what was in it you ask? Simple. 2 of the older Cobra 6 packs, the ones with the blueshirts. And another Cobra Nightforce 6 Pack. I'm stoked for pictures!

[QUOTE=Reverend Blood]So... I went to sign the MOUNTAIN of paperwork our loan company needed to start processing our home loan, and their office was really far out on the edge of town. I decided to do some JOe hunting in the area since i'm never out that far. I stopped at two stores and grabbed a pretty decent bounty.

First I found a nearly untapped Marshall's (or T.J. Maxx, i don't remember and they're both the same) where I picked up a Trouble Bubble / RAM cycle 2 pack (my second set and the TB is missing one of it's tubes, but I couldn't resist 2 figs and 2 vehicles at $5), a 25th Scarlett, Mutt & Junkyard, a 25th cobra RPG trooper, a ROC accelerator suit "Duke" and a hall of heroes Crimson Guard. Then I stopped at a Ross on the way back, and sadly still no Range Viper or Urban TB pack... but I did pick up a ROC Neo Viper, and a tunnel rat / monkey wrench 2-pack. (which means I now have a tunnel rat for trade :p )

I know this is old hat for most of you, but I was trapped as an army trainee when the 25th line rolled into the RoC line, so I missed out on a LOT of modern era joes. So now I have some holes filled in my lineups.[/QUOTE]

Reverend Blood
02-04-2011, 12:03 PM
[QUOTE=Agent Viper]Wow man nice find!

A package came in today that I payed 50 dollars for, what was in it you ask? Simple. 2 of the older Cobra 6 packs, the ones with the blueshirts. And another Cobra Nightforce 6 Pack. I'm stoked for pictures![/QUOTE]

If you need any more of those blue shirts let me know. I'll double check, but I think I have a loose 6 pack (no weapons or back packs, and a couple might need a new o-ring) But i know for a fact i have at least three.

02-06-2011, 04:43 PM
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/16612544@N03/5421936375/" title="Toyshow Haul by scarrviper, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5012/5421936375_cc5ee2695d.jpg" width="500" height="292" alt="Toyshow Haul" /></a>

Black Knight
02-06-2011, 08:45 PM
Picked up a PoC Snow-Cat... err, Wolf-Hound... Ironman "Weapon Assult Drone" and a RoC "Charbroil".

black rhino
02-07-2011, 03:57 PM
i ordered from smalljoes
Cap America
4 BBi paras
crimson guard
those will be in my new mini diostory!

02-08-2011, 12:42 PM
I got Dark Daredevil from Scifi Genre and SDDC Sarge , Spirit, Recondo and Quick Kick from another forum member over at Rumourbuster

Reverend Blood
02-11-2011, 06:11 AM
according to the tracking number, my revision case from BBTS should be waiting for me when i get home from work tonight. :D :D :D
expect lots of pictures from me this weekend.

San Pickles
02-12-2011, 05:00 AM
Sign me up for some kind of therapy. I went to Ross and scored another Sand Serpent, Attack on the PIT HQ set, and some two packs. I think I may go back and get some MARS troopers 3 packs. I really need help!!!! :eek:

02-12-2011, 07:52 AM
[QUOTE=San Pickles]Sign me up for some kind of therapy. I went to Ross and scored another Sand Serpent, Attack on the PIT HQ set, and some two packs. I think I may go back and get some MARS troopers 3 packs. I really need help!!!! :eek:[/QUOTE]

:) Too funny. My wife once told me that there should be a "Joe's Anonymous."

"Hello, my name is ___________ and I'm a Joe-a-holic."

I literally bit my lip when I passed on $3 RoC figures at TJ Maxx near Christmas time. Saving the dollars for PoC figures when they can be found. If they had Ross stores in Wisconsin, I'm afraid I would be seriously broke.

San Pickles
02-12-2011, 04:39 PM
[QUOTE=yorktownjoe]:) Too funny. My wife once told me that there should be a "Joe's Anonymous."

"Hello, my name is ___________ and I'm a Joe-a-holic."

I literally bit my lip when I passed on $3 RoC figures at TJ Maxx near Christmas time. Saving the dollars for PoC figures when they can be found. If they had Ross stores in Wisconsin, I'm afraid I would be seriously broke.[/QUOTE]

I have bad news for you Yorktownjoe. Ross now has POC vehicles. Picked up a new HISS and Vamp II for the princely sum of $11.99 each. I never saw these at the regular retailers. Now they are selling them at 50% off. :)

Reverend Blood
02-14-2011, 06:57 AM
Just snagged a SDCC Destro set for $17 on evil bay. I was pretty shocked that I actually won that. lol

Black Knight
02-15-2011, 06:58 PM
Picked up a RoC "Sand Serpent" today at Ross for $15.00... its really cool, but I like the pilot's head best.

Also got PoC "Money Bags" Destro and 3 more MU Skrull soldiers.

Black Knight
02-19-2011, 10:52 PM
Went out today and lucked out... picked up Low-Light, 3 Shock Troopers and Kitty Pryde from MU. Also won 5 more Skrull on ebay... good week for me.

02-20-2011, 04:46 PM
Nice score this weekend!!! I got a Bravo Team woodland green Abrams Tank, 2 Shock Troopers,Sky Dive, and a Alley Viper!!!

02-20-2011, 05:55 PM
Found a black HISS tank at Ross for $11.99. Happy Day!

02-20-2011, 08:32 PM
[QUOTE=San Pickles]I have bad news for you Yorktownjoe. Ross now has POC vehicles. Picked up a new HISS and Vamp II for the princely sum of $11.99 each. I never saw these at the regular retailers. Now they are selling them at 50% off. :)[/QUOTE]

[size=3]Thanks for rubbing that in...;) Oh well, by the time someone shipped them to me that would be almost regular price again. Enjoy, get them while you can, and share the pics with those of us "have-not's."[/size]
[size=3]Hasbro, do you realize that if you sold them for $14.99 to 16.99 at retail, we'd buy enough to take care of distribution/logistical costs?[/size]
[size=3]And of course, the Joe's Anonymous support group would start meeting at my house. :) But we'd get sidetracked playing...errr...posing the Joes for pictures.[/size]

02-20-2011, 08:42 PM
<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>http://locator5000.info/Images/IconSets/GreenLetter/1.png
</TD><TD class=tiny vAlign=top>476 miles
[color=#499cd0]Directions and Hours[/color] (http://locator5000.info/map.aspx?address=93+Wagner+Rd&city=Monaca&state=PA&postalcode=15061&country=US&did=13871&id=13871&dealername=Center Township&mlat=40.682054&mlon=-80.301867&SrchId=19729341&LocId=13871) </TD><TD width=10> </TD><TD class=text><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class="textbold tiny" noWrap>Center Township
[color=red][/color]</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tiny>93 Wagner Rd</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tiny>Monaca, PA </TD><TR><TD class=tiny> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>[size=3]According to Ross stores website, this is the closest store to Wisconsin. At $3.14/gallon, that would be a somewhat cost prohibitive road trip for Joe hunting. ;) Oh well. Glad some of you can take advantage. :)[/size]


02-20-2011, 10:14 PM
[QUOTE=yorktownjoe]At $3.14/gallon, that would be a somewhat cost prohibitive road trip for Joe hunting. ;) Oh well. Glad some of you can take advantage. :)[/QUOTE]

Wow, I wish gas was that "cheap" around here. :rolleyes: It's about $3.40 here

02-21-2011, 05:51 AM
[QUOTE=sithviper]Wow, I wish gas was that "cheap" around here. :rolleyes: It's about $3.40 here[/QUOTE]

[size=3]I wasn't looking for "gas-price" pity, just "Ross-store-distance" pity. ;)[/size]

02-21-2011, 06:26 AM
I apologize about that :)
I just checked, the closest one to me is 70 miles away in Hamilton, NJ.

02-21-2011, 06:28 AM
latest hauls are 17 Strato vipers (mix of diferent 25th types) and 14 Lamprey 2 ROC ones rest are Doci ones .

02-21-2011, 12:40 PM
Picked up 3 Flight Pods and Sandstorm w/ Ram from Ross today. Two flight pods for a friend, other stuff stays here.

Those day-glo Elite Vipers are real stinkers!

02-21-2011, 12:55 PM
what ? I love those ice-cream vipers I want more of em.[QUOTE=giTom]Picked up 3 Flight Pods and Sandstorm w/ Ram from Ross today. Two flight pods for a friend, other stuff stays here.

Those day-glo Elite Vipers are real stinkers![/QUOTE]

03-07-2011, 03:33 PM
Went to Marshells today picked up 2 Desert Vipers, a Para-Viper, a Cobra Bazooka Trooper, and a Transparent Mercenary Wraith. :)

03-09-2011, 03:30 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]what ? I love those ice-cream vipers I want more of em.[/QUOTE]
The vipers from the target flight pods?...I have two up for grabs..

Black Knight
03-09-2011, 04:45 PM
Recent purchases:

"Gung-Ho vs. Copperhead" two pack
two RoC Impact Armor Duke (for customs)
PoC Shadow Hunter
PoC Snowjob
MU Black-Widow
MU Vison (clear variant)
MU Skrull Soldier
Pirates 4 Blackbeard
and two Thor Frost-Giants

I would say I had a good haul.

03-09-2011, 06:09 PM
Not strictly "Joe", but the other day I found this close-to-scale wired-RC excavator for $15 in a local Asian shop. It'll make a great background prop for dios and photos.

A quick weathering job made it more realistic, and most of my Joes fit in the seat.

I make no apologies for the state of my hobby table! :D

03-09-2011, 11:14 PM
didn't see this till now whatcha want for em ? [QUOTE=vespapilot79]The vipers from the target flight pods?...I have two up for grabs..[/QUOTE]

03-09-2011, 11:21 PM
This is my first post on JD, just got into collecting Joes. Was a big fan as a kid, but now it's much better because I can go out hunting on lunch @ work and come back with this;


Several joe vehicles, and some bad azz figures;


Sorry this one is blurry, but i have here;

I've been collecting MU for about 3 months. And this was a big haul for me got a lot of HTF's knocked out.



03-09-2011, 11:32 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]didn't see this till now whatcha want for em ?[/QUOTE]

Do you have a WST list?Ill be posting one tonight.

03-12-2011, 05:35 PM
A 2nd black HISS tank from Ross? Heck yeah!

Still can't find POC Snake Eyes! Dang it! I guess I'll get him at Joelanta next Sunday.

03-18-2011, 06:20 PM
finally arrive my POC low light , awesome figure :D

04-01-2011, 08:31 PM
Got my first two POC figures last Tuesday: Spirit Iron Knife and Firefly.
More on the way. Can't wait.

04-07-2011, 04:22 PM
I was at TRU last night with my wife and they finally got the True Heroes Longbow Apaches in.

Before grabbing one I checked out the clearance aisles and found one with a damaged box for $20, marked down from $40.
The sticker said "Missing piece", but I had a close look and there was a lot missing. The pilots were not there (no big loss; I'd have thrown them out anyway), the fuel drums and one rotor blade were missing as well, as was the rear horizontal stabilizer. One wing and a rocket pod were loose in the box and sliding around.

I pointed these out to the checkout chick and she let me have it for a mere $10 (75% off)! Score!

Anyway, I opened it up as soon as I got home and the damage wasn't as bad as I'd thought. The wing and ordnance snapped back on, and the "missing" rear stabilizer was behind the cardboard insert. So all I need now is to fabricate a new rotor blade and all will be well. :D :D :D

04-07-2011, 07:11 PM
wow if you can do that let me know i've had a bbi apache missing a main rotor for ages that i got ina lot off ebay
[QUOTE=fled74]I was at TRU last night with my wife and they finally got the True Heroes Longbow Apaches in.

Before grabbing one I checked out the clearance aisles and found one with a damaged box for $20, marked down from $40.
The sticker said "Missing piece", but I had a close look and there was a lot missing. The pilots were not there (no big loss; I'd have thrown them out anyway), the fuel drums and one rotor blade were missing as well, as was the rear horizontal stabilizer. One wing and a rocket pod were loose in the box and sliding around.

I pointed these out to the checkout chick and she let me have it for a mere $10 (75% off)! Score!

Anyway, I opened it up as soon as I got home and the damage wasn't as bad as I'd thought. The wing and ordnance snapped back on, and the "missing" rear stabilizer was behind the cardboard insert. So all I need now is to fabricate a new rotor blade and all will be well. :D :D :D[/QUOTE]

04-09-2011, 06:57 AM
Finally received Best of the 80's w/ Alpine. Now I feel my collection is complete :D

Black Knight
04-19-2011, 08:10 PM
so Knoxville has this place called "Duck Duck Goose"... its a consignment store for babies and toddlers that opens for two weekends a year (one in the fall and one in the spring). I attended the one this past weekend since we have a baby on the way and I completely lucked out with a RoC Mobile PIT Command Center for $15.00 and a RoC NightRaven for $6.00... I cant wait for the fall one now.

04-20-2011, 07:28 AM
Bought several POCs from a Thai collector here in Bangkok: City Strike Destro, Jungle Viper, Shock Trooper and Shadow Tracker.

04-20-2011, 10:59 AM
[QUOTE=pinoyronin]Bought several POCs from a Thai collector here in Bangkok: City Strike Destro, Jungle Viper, Shock Trooper and Shadow Tracker.[/QUOTE]

Cool, I've never seen two of those here.

04-20-2011, 12:42 PM
Got another 25thA Viper and Cobra Trooper and a ROC Desert Viper at Marshall's.

04-21-2011, 07:20 PM
[QUOTE=turner]Cool, I've never seen two of those here.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! The POC line is actually not available here in Thailand, but this guy pre-ordered several sets and sold some of the figures. :)

04-22-2011, 04:06 PM
My wife is a wonderful woman! She picked up two sets of the Jungle Terror Twin Battle Gun w/ Range Vipers and two HISS tanks from Ross. Sweet!!

So that brings me up to four black HISS tanks?

04-23-2011, 07:10 AM
You're a lucky man to have a wife that buys Joe stuff for you. :)
My wife gives me a lot of leeway with my purchases, but she'll never shop for me.

She didn't even blink when I came home with these (plus some Delta Force PTE guys):

04-23-2011, 11:19 AM
@fled74: Are PTE products still available in Australia? Cool! I like their dune buggies. :)

I also just got hold of some vehicles which I got through fellow collector and JD member Dzirhan: POC VAMP, POC Fury and ROC Snarler Cycle.

04-25-2011, 07:32 AM
[QUOTE=pinoyronin]@fled74: Are PTE products still available in Australia? Cool! I like their dune buggies. :) [/QUOTE]

I found a retailer that had heaps of PTE stuff, a roughly 30-minute drive from my house. I'll be going back very soon!
I found the Sea Knight at a nearby TRU.

04-26-2011, 03:42 PM
Hey everyone, I went to Marshalls (like a TJMaxx) and the shelves were loaded again with some ROC and 25ths. I picked up another Mutt&J, Cobra bazooka trooper, Tiger Duke (maybe for a footloose custom body) City commando Snake Eyes, and Movie Ripcord in camo fatigues. I left a B.A.T on the shelf by accident. I have triplets of some of these guys now. I think I'm an addict. Anyway, go check out Marshalls!

05-10-2011, 07:40 PM
I stopped by my new favourite toy store on the way to work this morning and I picked up another PTE Humvee in woodland camo and a 3-pack of PTE Navy Seals.

Payday is in a couple of days and I'll be heading back there to throw away even more of my hard-earned. :D